That's a bit racist

    The year 2020 has brought the terms racist and racism to the forefront of our minds.  Due to the exploitation of our police officers by the media we have seen violent riots all in the name of equal justice.  What exactly is equal justice?  Equal justice is defined as "The fair, equal and impartial treatment of all people."  What did the police officers do in the videos that sparked these riots that could be seen as unfair or unequal treatment?  From a vast majority of the videos they were called due to a situation that was violent and while trying to get the suspects in custody or disarm them they were attacked and responded with deadly force.  The problem with all of the videos which incited the violence is the suspect was African American.  We never saw video released of suspects of any other ethnic group, why is that?  My answer is simple, the people releasing these videos has an agenda that involves dividing us by race to further some sort of political agenda.  We regularly see the media and other "advocates" call the President racist and demand he condemn white supremacists, the KKK, and other racists groups.  On multiple occasions he has done just that and also passed an executive order calling the domestic terrorists, yet the very next day they are saying he never has done such things and are demanding he do it again.  I think he could get up every morning and hold a press conference denouncing these groups and these people would still not be content.  
    There have been actual instances of racism in our country this year but many do not even acknowledge these quotes and actions as racist.  Joe Biden has on more than one occasion said things that are downright racist.  Take for instance his appearance on  The Breakfast Club with Charlamagne Tha God.  In this interview he stated "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."  In other words if you are Black and do not vote for Biden then you are not the actual race you are.  Why is this racist?  Well it is simple, he thinks all black people should think alike and vote for Democrats.  He has also called them a monolith with little or no diversity.  Earlier this year he spoke at the funeral for one of the KKK's founding members.  In the Democratic primary Kamala Harris called him a racist and accused him of using black people to get votes.  She pointed out how his crime bill was slanted very unfairly to lock up more young black men than anyone else.  In 1977 he said integrating schools with bussing would have his children "growing up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point." So why can he get away with statements that are obviously racist?  We have been told all along that President Trump is racist, xenophobic, and sexist but the facts don't back such allegations.  He did have some "locker room" talk that was brought out during the 2016 election and he was immediately labeled a sexist.  He never admitted to sexual assault but that is what he was labeled.  There were women that came out with accusations and ultimately when he won the election they just went away.  The double standard on sexism and racism is amazing.
    The last thing I wanted to touch on was this idea that racism is always directed at ethnic minorities from white people.  The truth is racism comes from all ethnicities and is toward all ethnicities.  Racism being a "white" problem places blame unfairly onto one group of people.  This is pushed along by schools and universities teaching "white privilege" and racial inequality.  Black people are being told the system is racist and they are starting from a position where they will have to work harder to get ahead than their white counterparts.  Imagine being told from the time you were young that no matter how hard you work you can never achieve success.  Imagine criminals gunned down by cops are heralded as heroes in their community and the cops are the villains.  Imagine seeing the only successful people that look like you gained success from illegal activities like drug dealing.  Imagine the "leaders" of your race that call themselves Reverend or pastors are some of the people who use your race to gain wealth and could care less if the less privileged in your community gain prosperity or not.  There is racism within the black community and it comes from other black people.  black citizens are made to feel like a constant victim of the system, cops, education, white people, or anything else that lines the pockets of those "leaders."  
    The solution to this problem will not come from white people, it will come from within every races own community.  Pulling another race back to advance your race is racism.  Putting laws and policies in place which place any race at a disadvantage to elevate another is racist.  Truth be told every single American can succeed based on their own desire to succeed.  Yes some people will encounter more challenges than others but only by overcoming those challenges can they succeed.  Don't wait for anyone else to elevate you as the people with the means to help you are the very same ones who are using their influence to gain more for themselves.  If you are making minimum wage and want to make more money figure out the path to get what you want and make it happen!  Don't demand the employers be forced to raise wages which will ultimately cause loss of hours or jobs, get better skills or education and get a better job!  In the end I am trying to say racism is not a white disease and that's a bit racist I guess.

Americas Fear Toxin

    One of the lesser known characters in the Batman universe until recently was Jonathan Crane aka The Scarecrow.  In Batman Begins Christopher Nolan introduced him to the world as Gotham was thrust into chaos due to his fear toxin.  Dr. Crane was a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum who conducted experiments on the inmates using the toxin to open their minds to the fears they dread the most.  In the film he uses the toxin to drive the citizens of Gotham mad and create utter chaos.  While we do not have a Dr. Crane in our society per say I do think we have a fear toxin that was released unto the world and that is the media.  In 2020 we have seen an escalation of violence, disregard for law enforcement and an increase in domestic violence and drug or alcohol use.  No matter which side of politics you stand on the facts could not be any clearer.
    While Covid-19 has created so many issues for people financially and emotionally it all began with a media blitz about police brutality.  We have repeatedly been told that the entire system we are governed by is systemically racist.  Every single news story highlights the police as the villains and the criminals as the heroes.  It didn't matter that suspects were high on drugs, armed with weapons, fighting police, and engaging in acts of aggression the officers were 100% wrong in defending themselves.  It has gotten to a point many senior officers were retiring early and leaving communities they had devoted their lives to defend out of fear they would be the next video victim for the media onslaught.  They would be the next person outed as a racist for defending themselves.  Major US cities removed the ability for them to defend themselves and we saw cities like Seattle have blocks of the city taken over by armed thugs. Cities were burned to the ground, stores looted, and people made to live in fear.  While there was a very small number of police brutality the majority were a media creation that fed the fear.
  While all this was going on China had an outbreak of Covid-19 and did everything they could to keep the rest of the world in the dark.  This led the media to blame the one person they have wanted to take aim on for three and a half years, the President.  Nothing he did or could do was enough or the right decision.  He shut down travel to China in January and was called Xenophobic and racist.  He followed the advice of his "scientists" and due to the ever changing nature of a virus seemed to contradict himself and that was used against him.  Nothing anyone could do would have kept the damage of the virus down any more than his actions did.  On one side you have people saying lockdowns are a must, mandate masks everywhere, testing must increase, and only then can we "stop" the virus.  The other side is saying masks don't work, business cannot fail, and the virus isn't going away.  Truth is we can wear masks where needed, practice good sanitary habits, protect the elderly and most vulnerable and still keep businesses and schools open and save our economy.  It is not all or nothing either way.  Viruses don't go away, we learn to deal with them, create vaccines, and learn to live with them.
    As the election is nearing the media is falling over themselves to prove how Trump failed.  The problem they have is he hasn't failed.  Could he have said things differently, yes.  Could he have set the example by wearing a mask 24/7 and avoiding people, sure.  No President in history has led by fear and neither did he.  Much like in the movie fear has led our nation all year.  At the end of Batman begins Jim Gordon tells says "He's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.  So We'll hunt him.  Because he can take it.  Because he's not our hero.  He's a silent guardian, A watchful protector, a Dark Knight."  Am I saying Trump is our savior?  No but I am saying he is the only thing standing against the fear being hammered into us by the media and the corrupt politicians.  Only when we learn that the fear being spread is only there to divide us can we grow as a nation and realize we are all in the same boat.  Burning it all down and starting over is not an option.When we manage our fear we can succeed and thrive.  Hiding under a rock and keeping ourselves locked away will be the end of America as we know it.

The Final Countdown

    This week we are only 9 days away from what many are calling the most important election in our lifetimes.  Last week Americans watched the final debate between Trump and Biden.  There were three things that caught me by surprise.  The first was the ability President Trump had to make a statement about VP Biden and his record and then simply keep quiet and let Biden talk himself into a corner.  Second was the fact that Biden was able to, at least for the first 20 min or so of the debate, keep his train of thought and speak clearly on issues.  The last was the Moderator Kristen Welker.
    The one thing President Trump learned was that his aggressive and egotistical attitude we saw in the first debate did not go over at all with most Americans who watched the debate.  He choose to take a different tactic this time and stuck to nailing points about his record on topics, pointing out Biden's flaws, and most of all showing us that he is not the "typical" politician.  At one point late in the debate Biden was asked a question and he danced around an answer and never really answered the question.  President Trump replied "Typical politician" referencing how politicians say a lot without ever saying anything.  The other point I think hit home was when President Trump said "You know Joe, I ran because of you. I ran because of Barack Obama, because you did a poor job. If I thought you did a good job, I would’ve never run. I would’ve never run. I ran because of you. I’m looking at you now, you’re a politician, I ran because of you."  This point could not have hit home more.  Americans did not vote for Trump because they thought his personality was amazing and he was an accomplished politician.  They voted him into office because he IS NOT a politician and Americans were tired of the status quo and being told this and that with nothing ever getting done.  He got in because Hillary Clinton was so terrible and Americans knew she was not what was needed.
    Joe Biden managed for the first half of the debate to keep focused and make good points about his record.  Then the topic turned to race relations, criminal justice and what each candidate did for all Americans.  At this point Trump took complete control of this debate.  Joe Biden fumbled around looking for the right thing to say only to get countered by solid facts on his record and things he has done in his 47 years in government.  Biden tried his best to tout his passing of the crime bill, which immediately was countered by the fact the bill locked up hundreds of thousands of young black males and was the beginning of single mother household and the destruction of the black American family.  Joe Biden showed in the late stages of the debate why he is not the right choice in this election.  He got flustered, tired and could not avoid his lengthy record in American politics.  He stood at the establishment politician against the guy who has improved African Americans lives in just 47 months.  We saw after the debate rappers Ice Cube, 50 cent, and Kanye come out in support of Donald Trump.  Ice Cube didn't endorse him but did take a meeting with the President and help create the Platinum plan that Trump proposed.  I don't think this is because of anything other than these celebrities are seeing their taxes, bottom line, and future being at stake.
    The last part of the debate was the moderator, Kristen Welker.  I had my reservations heading into this debate as she had been hostile to the President in the recent past.  To my and I believe many Trump supporters surprise she was the best moderator we had seen in any of the debates this cycle.  Yes she was bias for Biden at times but overall she asked both candidates hard questions, kept the time limits and interruptions limited, and ensured both candidates had the opportunity to speak and counter the attacks of their opponent.  To her credit she did an amazing job and should be considered for future debates.
    Overall the debate had no real shocking revelations.  Both sides were able to make points and counter as needed but nothing really stood out as a gotcha moment.  For each candidate there were jabs that missed big time.  For Biden it was when he said "Abraham Lincoln here is one of the most racist presidents we’ve had in modern history, he pours fuel on every single racist fire, every single one."  He called Trump Abraham Lincoln.  He tried to walk it back but did not succeed in doing so.  For Trump it was "I am the least racist person in this room."  This was his one time that his ego made his statement sound stupid.  In the end I think your vote was decided long before this debate.  Nothing said during this debate will change your mind except maybe the Race/Criminal Justice portion.  Please take time on Tues Nov 3 and cast your vote.  Vote for the candidate you think has the best ideas and record for your family.  Support your family and friends no matter who they vote for.  It isnt Trumpers vs Never Trumpers, racists vs Biden supporters, or even Democrat vs Republican it is our way of life and freedoms vs a complete change to life as we know it.  It truely is the final countdown and it is up to us to protect life as we know it.

Escape from 2020


    Driving into work this morning I found myself listening to music which made my brain and body feel normal, which I haven't felt for a long time.  Then I realized how much I missed music.  Sure I listen to the radio while driving or writing this blog but I haven't allowed myself to get lost in music for some time. Of course with everything being locked down this year live music has been shut down and I go to a lot of live music every year.  I used to write reviews for a website and had a folder packed with tons of new music every year, I haven't had time for that with life getting in the way.  I lost the one thing that has helped me cope with feelings and the world my entire life.
    Music gives people the chance to leave everything behind, even if it is for a short time.  No matter what form you listen it gives you something to focus on besides the constant bullshit life throws at you.  When I am at a concert I can walk through the venue doors and just leave everything behind.  My natural element is surrounded by great music that reverberates into my soul.  Recently I have had so much going on that I could not figure out why my energy seemed so off.  I recently was married, bought a house, moved to a new department in my company, had my last son left home, I went back to school and I stopped listening to new music, going to concerts and writing reviews.  So this morning when I felt the music touch my soul and it felt super good I wondered what I needed to do to fix this problem.  So I am going to dive back into music reviews, hopefully on the website I had been writing for, if they will have me.  I am also going to take time to allow my brain to hear the music rather than have it be background noise.
  Some people find that release in books, movies, video games, or any other form but for me it is the music.  The energy released by it evens out my energy and puts me at ease.  Although 2020 has been a very difficult time for live music I can find that release with a pair of headphones and time.  I need to find a way to get back into a studio with an artist and be a part of that process.  I need to write reviews.  I need live concerts.  Most importantly I need the energy music provides.  Time to flick the switch and let the world turn itself off even if that is only for small periods of time.

What do you guys find is a good way to flick the switch?

Divided We Stand

    We are now 16 days from the 202 Presidential election and we are more divided than ever.  This past 3 years have been some of the most divisive years in my lifetime.  I have been thinking about this for the past week or so.  What I have been trying to figure out is why has it been that way, who is behind it, and why would they want to see our country fall?  It all began with on Nov 3, 2016 when the most unlikely candidate won the Presidency, Donald Trump.  At the time I joked that his election was so fitting for America.  In no other country in the world would a billionaire land developer turned TV personality whos tagline was "You're Fired" win the Prsidency.  So why did it happen?  The answer was simple, the leftist media and leftist polls were wrong.  They built up confidence that an incredibly terrible person in Hillary Clinton had such a huge lead on this guy there was no way he would win.  On election night I sat with one of her avid supporters and waited to see their absolute joy that she won and I would have to hold my breathe she didnt destroy America as I knew it.  That didn't happen.  Within 20 min the news reported that impeachement proceedings had begun.  I thought this was strange as impeachment is for illegal activites a President does while in office, see Bill Clintons oral exams and purgery during his imeachment trial.  What would someone who just got elected, had not officially taken office and never had any official acts as President have done to demand impeachment?  The answer was simple, he wasnt one of "them".  He was an outsider who didnt play by their rules.  That is all it took for the crosshairs to be placed on him from the moment he was declared victor that night.
    During his entire Presidency the media outlets, congressional Democrats, and leftists have done everything to destroy this man.  It started with the accusation that he allowed Russia to interfere with the election and help him win.  After a year and a half, millions and millions of dollars, and misuse of congressional time during their sessions the truth came out and it was Hillary Clinton who actually worked with Russia to get dirt on Donald Trump with full support of the Obama administration, which is an actual crime.  Then came his conversations with the Ukrainian President and the "quid pro quo".  In the end the Ukrainian President said there was no quid pro quo.  The one thing that did come out was Joe Biden on video telling a reporter that while VP he withheld aid from Ukraine until they fired the prosecuter looking into his son for crimes.  Billions of dollars were withheld and his statement was "In the en the son of a bitch did it." Then came 2020 and Covid-19.
    Covid-19 happened in Jan of this year.  At that time our economy was the greatest it had ever been, unemployment numbers were the lowest ever across all demographics, and our country as a whole was doing great.  Every President sitting in the chair when the country is successful gets reelected by large numbers.  The one thing that could destroy his chance for reelection is an economic collapse.  Jan 27, 2020 Trump shut down travel to China against the advice of his advisors and the Democrats.  At the time he was called racist and xenophobic.  Pelosi went to Chinatown and said Californians should come to Chinatown there was no reason to fear.  Then in Feb Trump closed travel to Europe, one of our blocks of allies.  He was labeled an isolationist who was destroying our relationships with our allies.  Both of these moves saved American lives.  In March Biden began telling the world Trump was to slow in his response and should have acted sooner, even though in Jan he called Trump racist and xenophobic for stopping travel to China.  President Trump has listened to his advisors along the way, taking some advice and going against it at other times.  The one thing that is clear is the initial death estimate was 2-2.5 million Americans and his actions have reduced that number to around 250,000, or 10% of the original estimate.  So why is that not being reported?
    The media has played a huge role in everything that has divided our country.  There is another "group" that has also played a huge role, Antifa.  When the BLM protests began they were largly peaceful and the people were out there trying to make a change to policing, not abolish police but change the procedures.  This was a goal that all of us could get behind.  Then the extreme left took over and the riots began.  Cities were being burned to the ground and taken over by these anarchist.  Police were walking off the job because Democratic politicians provided them no safe way to do their jobs.  Police stations were being burned to the ground and cops shot and assaulted for no reason other than being cops.  This was all being done in the name of "injustice".  The leaders of these groups demanding police be abolished and prisoner be released.  The entire time we saw consistent news reports with the reporter standing in front of cities on fire claiming another night of "mostly peaceful" protests.  These were not the protesters everyone supported in the beginning, these were violent thugs and criminals who wanted nothing more than to get new Gucci shoes and big screen TV's in the name of justice.  We have seen these fade away also as the election has drawn closer.  
    In the end of it all we are more divided than ever and one man has taken the blame for it all, President Donald Trump.  He has called out the reporters and media as "fake news" and being in the Democrats pockets but I think it is more than that.  I think the Leftists in the media and in politics see him as a true threat to their status quo.  He doesn't play by their established norms.  He is always willing to be blunt and honest when it come to his feelings about them.  He isn't afraid to call out things he sees which put American second.  He is a firm believer America comes first.  He has negotiated some amazing trade agreements which give us the advantage in the world economy.  He has aided in creating peace between arab countries and Israel.  He has not started any armed conflicts in his entire Presidency, he has actually reduced the number of deployed soldiers.  He has reduced illegal immigration and started building the wall to slow that further.  He has fought the battles waged against him on all sides every single day he has been in office and still accomplished all of it.  He has consistently tried to make us all see each other as Americans.  He has tried to unite us under our national symbols like the American flag and anthem.  So who is behind this division?  The answer is the far left ideologs and anarchists who want to see our country burned to the ground and a socialist nation put in its place.  That is what we should be uniting against.  In just 16 days the voters will either save our country of we will see the end of life as we know it.  Quite frankly I am terrified at the results.  

The vote is in!

    I am a little late with this blog but bear with me.  So I said the other day on Facebook that this election cycle I decided to vote based on two factors 1. Which candidates personality do I like more and 2. Which ticket best represents me as a white middle class male. This has been the litmus test for leftist voting in a majority of recent elections. The Democratic party consistently selects candidates who have very magnetic personalities and a "golden tongue" when it comes to speaking. When they have run candidates that did not have those two traits they have lost elections. Now I know the cycle of the Presidency tends to go back and forth based on the population getting frustrated with the Government as a whole not getting things done.     So lets get to the first reason I am voting this way, the candidates personality. Let me say first and foremost I think Donald Trump has a very boorish, brash and very "New York" in his speaking and actions. He does not have the golden tongue and tends to over exaggerate statistics and numbers to make a situation better than it might be even when the actual numbers are a net positive on his legacy. The biggest positive he has going for him is the results of that attitude breaking the cycle of politics and treating negotiations like business deals. He has gotten much better trade deals around the globe, got Muslim countries to agree to peace with Israel, got better trade with Mexico and Canada, was the first President to never start an armed conflict during his Presidency, and kept North Korea and Iran from getting Nuclear arms. So while his Twitter should be better managed he is getting things done. Joe Biden was once a very shrewd debater, had the golden tongue and could talk his way out of difficult situations. In his "prime" he was a skilled politicians and negotiated deals which ultimately made him and his "friends" a lot of money. He has consistently flip flopped on important issues like climate change, abortion, healthcare, and foreign policy. In this election cycle we have seen the rapid decline of Joe Biden mentally to the point he loses his train of thought and highlights numbers that can not possibly exist. With the idea he will not make it through a 4 year term we must look at Kamala Harris. She IS the candidate going against Trump in reality. She has shown more than one time that she is a far left politician. She believes in extreme changes to our stance on energy and conservation. She wants to abolish police departments and has supported the violent riots. She has consistently used her ethnicity and gender to get jobs and rise into the position she is in. When it is convenient she has used those things and when it isn't she doesn't. While AG of California she used her position to lock up African American males at a disproportionally high rate. She also refused to allow people out of prison who had served their sentence in order to use them for labor for the state. She locked up people for minor marijuana offenses while at the same time gloating about smoking weed while listening to Tupac. When it comes to which personality I trust and don't mind more Donald Trump wins this one.     The second point, which ticket best represents me as a white middle class man. This point will be easier since I have already covered their pasts. Joe Biden having been in congress for over 47 years and not passing laws or writing bills which have aided my life but instead hindering it I cannot support him. In the three and a half years Trump has been in office my take home pay has gone up due to tax cuts, gas prices have gone back to reasonable levels, and most goods and services have decreased in price as well. I think Biden/Kamala are more interested in raising my taxes to support people who I feel take advantage of the system. So on this point Trump wins again.     So in the end I have decided because Trump is white, likes money, and speaks very bluntly I have decided he will be getting my vote. I know this choice instantly makes me a racist, sexist, homophobe, elite one percenter, rapist, and all the other terrible names that come with being a "Trumper" even though nothing in my life supports any of those accusations. I know all of you who read this and know me personally are shocked and I understand if you choose to not be my friend any more. If you disagree with my positions please feel free to comment and share your opinions. No judgement here and I support all peoples ideas and politics!



    In politics we often hear people say "Man I wish I was a fly on the wall in the oval office that day" what we don't hear usually is "Did you see the fly on the Vice Presidents head during that debate?" but last week that was the topic of so many memes, news stories, and social media buzz.  What does that say about the debate itself?  Now that I have had a chance to watch the debate I am here to offer my opinion.

    Lets talk first about the challenger, Senator Kamala Harris.  Throughout the debate she repeated talking point after talking point with little to no facts to back up her statements.  She directly misquoted the President and VP while denying statements Joe Biden and herself have made in speeches that were recorded.  Here are a few of them I have seen for myself.  First she denied Joe Biden and herself wanted to end fracking, they have both been on video in multiple instances stating indeed they wanted to end fracking.  Next she denied that Joe Biden would raise taxes.  She stated he was simply going to repeal the Trump tax cuts granted to big businesses and the wealthy.  Joe Biden has been on video multiple times saying he would raise taxes.  When asked about the Green New Deal she avoided support of this even though Joe Bidens own website states it is a critical piece of their platform.  This was the strategy, avoid admitting or stating the facts of their campaign but instead attack Trump and Pence for being elitist, racist, and utter failures.  Her most effective attack came while trying to tie the administration to Russia and Putin.  That too was weak but at least Trumps friendly nature with Putin and Chinas leader seem like a valid criticism. 

    VP Pence did not do much better.  For anyone who suffered through the Bush/Gore debate his performance was eerily similar to Gore.  He talked with a monotone voice standing on the Presidents record and stating statistics and facts that we have all heard a million times.  His attacks on both Harris and Biden failed to come across as genuine despite the validity of the claims.  His overall performance seemed tired and lackluster.  His best attack came when pointing out the records of Biden and Harris in reference to criminal justice reform and and packing the supreme court.  While he had many good points in his holster he failed to deliver any form of hard blow at all.

    The moderator was annoying all night as she repeatedly cut VP Pence off, although more than once it was valid due to his bloviating and going over time.  She seemed to Favor Harris but overall had more control them the last moderator did with Trump and Biden.  Both candidates avoided name calling and dragging it into the gutter which was a nice change. At the same time both candidates seemed to be simply going through the motions.  At one point a fly landed on the VP's head and stayed there for some time.  Social media blew up with memes ranging from "Flies are attracted to shit" to a pic showing Kamala spread eagle with the statement "Where the fly came from".  The memes kept coming and the fly became an overnight celebrity.  

    In the end an hour of peoples time once again wasted as nothing substantive was presented.  Pot shots and repeat talking points, real or not, was all we got.  Maybe for the remaining two debates we can invite the fly and a spider to debate one another.  As the saying goes "What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."

Missing: Civility


    When and where has civility gone?  In this highly explosive world we live in we seem to have lost the ability to be civil to one another.  At one time in our history we had the ability to disagree with each other on topics ranging from politics to religion.  As time went on those topics became taboo.  People starting supporting things they believe in privately.  The Monday morning water cooler discussions have gone by the wayside for fear of offending someone and getting written up at work.  Social clubs and other types of social gatherings gave way to online communities and chat boards.  Technology put the entire world of knowledge at our fingertips while simultaneously isolating us from each other.  It gave people an electronic buffer from each other and allowed for keyboard warriors to take to the internet and spread hateful rhetoric with no real world consequences.  At the same time we raised a generation of people who never learned how to lose with grace.  Everyone got a trophy so no ones feelings were hurt.  The ability to lose is a vital piece of civility.

    So social clubs and other social gatherings back in the day brought people together in a public place to meet, talk, and get to know one another.  This built communities of all races and class groups.  People came together to discuss politics, religion, and all the topics of the day.  Civil discourse was a welcomed way to work to solve problems within those communities.  At times those discussions led to fist fights and yelling matches but in the end the bond of community allowed for apologies and repairing of relationships.  The ability to agree to disagree was lost as people moved online.  Once people could argue to the point of getting mad they just blocked the other person and moved on.  This has evolved into social media shaming and forcing people off platforms designed to promote free speech.  Civility allowed for these disagreements to not end relationships.

    I remember growing up and we knew all of our neighbors and tried our best to care for one another.  When someone went on vacation we got their mail, watched their pets, and made sure nothing happened to their home while they were gone.  With the ability to be online all day everyday and meet people from all walks of life there is no need to get to know your neighbors anymore.  You can live in a neighborhood for years and never even see your neighbors.  Then skill of conflict resolution has been lost.  That is a vital piece of civility.  If we could take time out of our day to introduce ourselves to the people we live near imagine how easy it would be to have neighborhood bar-b-ques and actually create a support structure that provides security for all.

    With the covid climate we have seen this loss of civility come into our living rooms every day as news stories and video clips are shown of violence.  This too has become accepted and only adds to the division of all people.  The videos began with people destroying businesses within their community and cheering it on.  Then we began to see people being attacked on the street simply for the color of their skin.  We saw people arm themselves and stand against these riots leading to deaths and more violence.  Protesters blocked roads and highways and forced the drivers to make a decision to either risk their lives or floor it and run over the people blocking the road.  A man walked up to a police car and shot two officers while they were doing nothing, this too was cheered on by people standing by.  All of these events were cheered on by the people who agreed politically with the people taking violent actions.  Just last week President Trump tested positive for Covid.  People on social media went crazy wishing death upon him and his wife, simply because they dislike him or disagree with his politics.  When I saw all of these events I immediately felt as though I was seeing the end of our society as we know it.  If we knew how to be civil none of this would be happening.  

    The idea that America as we know it is disappearing at an alarming rate scares me to death.  Knowing people are wishing death upon others and cheering on the death of innocent people scares me.  I think we can stop and reverse this course but we need to get back to basics.  We need to learn that if we disagree with someone it is ok.  People do not all have to agree all the time.  One of our finest attributes is our ability to use critical thinking and forgive people for saying things which may offend us.  American history has not been perfect by any means but we have built the only civilization in history where people of all races and ethnicities live together in relative harmony.  On Sept 12, 2001 we all stood together as Americans.  It did not matter how you grew up, what color you were, or how rich or poor you were.  We were united against a common enemy, terrorism.  Terrorists take to the streets overseas chanting death to America and we used to get angry, now our own citizens are chanting the same thing on the streets in Oakland.  Civility is lost and I pray we find it before its too late.

Missing: Civility

If found please return to humanity as soon as possible

Election season is upon us

 Wow its been six months since my last post and a lot of things have happened in politics and our country.  Lets start on the right side of ...