Obama Administration years 9-12


Not matter if you agree with the election results or not the fact is Joe Biden is our new President, well kind of.  During the election Joe Biden made very few appearances and made a promise to build back better.  He promised the far left that his presidency would be the most progressive in history.  He promised to place people in cabinet positions who hold extremely progressive values and ideals.  For voters who believe in such things like the BLM riots, teaching 5 year old's about sexuality (grooming), and trans men being allowed to play women's sports his rhetoric sounded like nirvana.  He spoke of equity for all and pushing America into the future.  We are now almost a month into his Presidency and what have we seen?

To start his cabinet was filled with the exact same people that President Obama had in his cabinet positions.  Joe Biden pulled Obama's Rolodex out and brought back people like John Kerry.  The same old white men that Obama had advising him on all things.  He rolled back the oil pipeline which cost 20,000+ Americans jobs and also reduced our relations with Canada.  He rolled back almost all of President Trump's executive orders that protected women, LGBTQIA+, farmers, small businesses, and children.  He made sure to instill the good old boy club back into the seats of power and it is disgusting.

President Biden touted his plan for handling the Covid-19 pandemic.  He claimed his plan would have us all back to normal in his first 100 days.  Just last week he came out and admitted that no matter what we do the curve of the virus will not change.  He put in a federal mask mandate on all federal lands, then immediately went to the Lincoln memorial with his family and did not wear a mask.  He lauded President Trump for not leading by example while at the same time not leading by example himself.  His plan to distribute the vaccine has failed as vaccines are going unused and eventually no longer usable.  The website most states use to schedule the vaccine have either not worked or are not reliable.  He claimed in his first 100 days he would have the schools back open, in all honesty a lot of them are open but only 1 day a week.  I think most people thought he meant full time.

So how does Obama play into this?  Well it is simple, Biden's plan for his Presidency is almost an exact copy of the Obama admin.  Under Obama we saw the press secretary avoid questions and use phrases like "I will have to get back to you on that."  President Trump hired Press Secretaries who were willing to answer any and all questions.  The last one was amazing and tended to push back on reporters who asked questions that were deliberately bias and not true with facts and resources.  Our new Press Secretary said she was bringing transparency back to the press room, then immediately refuse to answer questions or use the old "I will circle back to that later" approach.  The truth is that the next 4 years will be almost an exact copy of Obama's eight.  We will see unemployment rise for all ethnicities, our economy go into recession (which will be blamed on Trump), continued divide amongst all races and genders pushed by the left wing media, and ultimately very dark days ahead.  I have tried to give Biden a chance to prove me wrong and up until this post he has only hurt America.  Guess it is time to buckle up!

The pen is mightier than the sword


Our country has a long history of Presidents signing executive orders to dictate the direction of our country.  Most notably FDR signed 3728 executive orders in his 12 years in office.  The second most was by George Washington at 2553.  But in my lifetime, since 1979, the highest number was 381 by Reagan and 364 by Clinton.  The lowest number was 166 by George H.W. Bush.  These orders are issued using the stroke of a pen to push through policy that may or may not be able to get voted into law by congress.  Donald Trump signed seven executive orders from the time of his inauguration on Jan 20, 2017 until the end of that month.  Obama signed nine in the same timeframe.  Bush and Clinton both signed two.  Our new President Joe Biden while on the campaign trail was quoted as saying "Some of my Republican friends and some of my Democratic friends even occasionally say, "Well, if you can't get the votes by executive order, you're going to do something." Things you can't do by executive order unless you're a dictator. We're a democracy. We need consensus."  He was discussing the possibility of signing an executive order to raise taxes on the rich but the one statement that stand out here is "Things you can't do by executive order unless you're a dictator".  Why does this stand out?  The answer is easily found, from Jan 20 through the end of the month Joe Biden signed 45 executive orders.  That is vastly more executive orders than all the Presidents of my lifetime combined in the same timeframe!

He has signed orders stopping the Keystone pipeline, which has allowed us to be energy independent, this caused the immediate loss of jobs for many unionized workers.  He rejoined the Paris climate accord which forces us to pay million if not billions of dollars "cleaning" up our fossil fuel usage and giving money to other countries.  He signed an order repealing title IX which allowed women's sports to disallow trans women, aka men, from competing and winning scholarships, this places girls at a disadvantage immediately.  He also signed an order allowing trans men and women to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their "preference".  He stopped funding for construction of the border wall.  All of these things hurt America and put our lives at risk.  

So why is he on such a quick signing rampage?  My guess is he is beholden to the far left and their agenda.  Many of these actions have pushed that agenda to the forefront of our politics.  This becomes dangerous as it is my belief that more than half of the country and maybe as much as two-thirds do not support these ideals.  I have always been a supporter of the President as when the President succeeds we succeed.  I always try to give the benefit of the doubt to the new President until they pass policy or support ideals that I disagree with.  So when Biden took over I was telling all of my Trump supporting friends to give him a chance, maybe he will do ok.  But here we are ten days into the new administration and I have watched him sign so many things which counter my views and things I support.  We have seen the censorship of conservatism in big tech and media.  We have seen the conservative "twitter" called Parler removed for allowing free speech on its platform.  Youtube accounts, twitter accounts, and many other social media sites have removed conservative accounts and cost prominent conservative posters hundreds and in some cases thousands of followers.  This is a problem.

As a conservative it worries me that these things are happening so quickly.  I have a really bad feeling things will end badly.  We need to fight back and prevent the silencing of any voices.  Our freedoms are at threat daily.  I am not sure how to fight back but when I figure it out I will hopefully be able to share my views and get your opinions.  

Election season is upon us

 Wow its been six months since my last post and a lot of things have happened in politics and our country.  Lets start on the right side of ...