The Patriarchy is alive and well


In 1848 the first Women's Rights Convention was held in New York with 300 attendees.  This event eventually led to the passage of the 19th Amendment to our constitution which gave women the right to vote. Oct 16, 1916 the first birth control clinic was opened leading to the creation of Planned Parenthood. April 2, 1917 Jeanette Rankin of Montana was sworn in as the first woman elected to Congress in the House of Representatives.  Dec 1, 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man and helped to launch the civil rights movement for African Americans.  The list goes on and leads us to a new era of "womanhood." An era in which men are now taking back women's sports, women's locker rooms and bathrooms, and even winning women's beauty contests.  These things are being done in the name of equality.  The reality of it all is that each of these things is working to erase womanhood all together.  

For our entire history women have had to work hard to overcome sexism and bias.  They have worked and strived to be considered equal to men.  The left has made it a point in recent years to push a trans agenda which removes all the strides and accomplishments women have made, take sports for example. Female athletes have worked to create their own leagues, compete in the Olympics, and in some cases compete head to head with men in certain sports.  We have seen women's sports records smashed.  Powerlifting records at one time were being beaten by ounces are now being blown away by hundreds of pounds.  UFC added a trans-woman fighter who in the first two fights fractured the opponents skulls and in one case the opponent was not told their opponent was a trans-woman.  Why is this seen as advancing women's equality?  In all these cases men are being allowed to dominate women and prevent them from an equal playing field.  Why no create trans only leagues so the playing field is equal?

Trans-women are now allowed to use the woman's locker rooms and bathrooms, all in the name of equality.  It makes me very uncomfortable to know that girls and women are now going to have grown men using the same facilities and changing next to one another.  I understand not all trans-women are predators but laws like this allow those predators a fresh hunting ground by simply claiming they are trans.  This removes all natural females right to privacy and creates a very dangerous situation for each and very one of them.  Conversely allowing a trans-man into locker rooms and bathrooms creates the same danger for them.  It gives them zero protection from predators who would take advantage of that situation.  Why not create trans-only facilities and locker rooms?

As long as humans have existed women have been able to do one thing men have not, give birth to babies.  This is the defining thing that separates women and men.  Yet a few weeks ago I read an article about the first trans-man to give birth.  He and his partner, a trans-woman, got pregnant and had a child.  In essence a man and woman had a baby.  But the article touted that men can now have babies.  Why is it ok for a trans-male to take away the only thing that women can do that men cannot?  Is this not a direct violation of all the progress made by women throughout history?

For as long as men and women have been in existence there has been a separation, not for inequality but to allow the sexes equal footing among their same gender.  Physiologically man and women are different.  From our bones density to our muscle fiber structure.  Men are naturally stronger and are able to do things women will never be able to.  The other side is women are mentally more tough and are able to do things like give birth and create life.  These differences should be celebrated, not destroyed.  The liberal left has taken all the equality that women have fought tooth and nail for and given it back to men with the trans movement.  All the things women have accomplished are being destroyed in the name of trans equality.  The picture on the top of this article says Tran women are women and that could not be any further from reality.

Biden and his first primetime appearance!


I took time about four days ago to listen to our fearless leader Joe Biden address the nation for the first time officially.  I wanted to make this blog to cover what was said and my thoughts on it.  I went into the speech with low expectations but open to being surprised. Lets get going!

The first statement he made was "A year ago, we were hit with a virus that was met with silence and spread unchecked, denials for days, weeks, then months."  As I expected his first point was to point fingers and say Trump did not act fast enough, which we know has been proven false.  He followed that up by pointing out his concern by pulling his "card" out of his pocket which he carries at all times with the most up to date number of "Americans who have died from COVID." He makes sure to add "That's more deaths than in World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War and 9/11 combined."  While an accurate statement it is comparing apples to cars.  Wars are nothing like a communicable disease.  He moves onto the human aspect of isolation and job loss due to the restrictions placed by governments across the US and mainly in states or cities run by liberal Democrats.  

In the next section of the speech he moves onto the vaccine.  He states when he took over "this country didn't have nearly enough vaccine supply to vaccinate all or anywhere near all of the American public" while forgetting the vaccines were created during Operation Warp Speech under President Trump and when he took power there was only 2 vaccines and they had just began being distributed and administered one month earlier.  He praises the companies, and rightly so, while at the same time taking credit for the vaccine being shipped and administered when he simply took over the process in its early phase and followed the same plan already in place.  He then talked about his "plan" to open vaccination centers across the US but did not give any firm plan forward.  

Then we get to the real meat of what he wanted to say.  He says "in the coming weeks, we will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated to lessen the confusion, to keep people safe, and encourage more people to get vaccinated."  This statement is skillfully crafted to encourage getting vaccinated while at the same time issuing a backhanded threat of more lockdowns and restrictions if we as Americans choose to not get vaccinated.  He then adds "If we all do this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by July the 4th, there's a good chance you, your families and friends, will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout or barbeques and celebrate Independence Day."  How freaking nice of him to give us independence day for complying with big governments demands.  He goes on further to state "Because if we don't stay vigilant and the conditions change and we may have to reinstate restrictions to get back on track" aka do what we say or else.

He concludes with "God bless you all and please, God, give solace to all those people who lost someone.  And may God protect our troops.  Thank you for taking the time and listening.  I look forward to seeing you."  No God Bless America?  Not a big shock to me but there we have it.  

Here is my thoughts on the virus and vaccine.  Just like the masks and other precautions I believe it should be every single Americans right to do or not do any of these things.  The good news is Biden made it through the 30 min without completely botching it.

The masks are coming off...


As we approach the one year anniversary of the 15 day lockdown to slow the spread of Covid some states are taking steps to open up and end mask mandates.  Just this week the Texas and Mississippi Governors ended their state mask mandates and reopened their states 100%!  As the numbers of deaths and infected are falling quicker than the legacy that is Andrew Cuomo some Governors are realizing their states need to reopen and are finally taking the steps necessary to provide their citizens the ability to survive and pay their bills.  I support this decision completely.  It is actions like these that will define which people begin to live again and which ones will become drones living off the govt for a lifetime.  Family finances, mental health, and self sufficiency is what is at risk.  So now is the time to decide are you willing to give up your freedoms for "safety" or are you willing to accept risk to support yourself?

Since the beginning of the pandemic I have been an avid supporter of people deciding for themselves the precautions they are willing to take to avoid getting themselves or their families sick.  Our government officials have made people think they are the end all be all of information and encourage compliance instead of allowing people to educate themselves and make the decisions.  A friend of mine had shared a comic the other day which showed a guy getting the vaccine and then running out and licking all kinds of things like door knobs, animals, etc.  My friend commented "Please keep in mind the vaccine is intended to protect others from you. lol".  I googles what is a vaccine and found the definition is "A vaccine stimulates your immune system to produce antibodies, exactly like it would if you were exposed to the disease.  After getting vaccinated, you develop immunity to that disease, without having to get the disease first."  And I commented this shows that vaccines ONLY protect the person not anyone else.  After taking a day and discussing this post and my comment with my wife, who has a degree in biology, she helped me realize the personal decision to vaccinate is to protect yourself but the benefits to others is you cannot get the virus and thus it does protect others as well.  So I replied to my comment correcting my error.  This is what more people need to do!  Get educated on a topic and then be willing to admit you were wrong if need be.

I wanted to take this time and post to restate my position on Covid, mask mandates, and lockdowns.  First I know Covid is real and exists.  The lockdowns while good in intention have proven to do more harm than good.  The mask mandates are just ridiculous, the "science" has constantly changed and I have been told it is because as scientists learn more they have to correct their recommendations.  While I do understand new evidence can change the recommendations, why not wait until you have a steady conclusion before mandating every American to comply?  In the past month we were told that wearing two or three masks would make you safer, if that is true why have we been unprotected with one mask for the past 12 months?  I think every single citizen and business should have the freedom to work, be open, mask  or no masks, and make the ultimate decision as to what precautions they are willing to take to avoid the risk of contracting Covid.  I firmly believe the federal and local govts have taken this opportunity to snatch power and impose regulations that only benefit big corporations and government entities.  

There is no reason at this point any state should not be following Texas and Mississippi and ending this ridiculous lockdowns and mask mandates.  Next blog I will dive into cancel culture and the woke mobs destruction of everything.

Election season is upon us

 Wow its been six months since my last post and a lot of things have happened in politics and our country.  Lets start on the right side of ...