Radical ideas in modern times


I chose this picture for todays blog because it is very accurate to my beliefs.  Unfortunately for me I am what some people call a traditionalist.  I believe there are two genders (male and female),  I believe people have the right to make whatever choices they want including their right to say what ever they want (consequences of those actions are also something I support), I believe the federal government should have minimal involvement in our lives, I think the states rights should be above federal regulation, I am a flat tax person (instead of the top 17% paying 100% of the taxes that support the US I think 100% of workers should pay their equal share, lets say 10-15%, and nobody gets a tax refund at the beginning of the year), I balance my monthly budget why should the govt be exempt?, Morals and values are absolutes (Abortion aka murder included here), and lastly my right to own and shoot firearms is a right granted to us via the constitution and should not ever be taken from law abiding citizens.

Lets dive right into gender theory, science has proven through DNA and other biological features that there are men and women.  Gender theory is a social construct that states you can be a man and "know" you are a woman so you are a woman no questions asked.  How insane does that sound?  The far left of these ideas says you can be anything you want and the world should recognize your "individuality" and those who do not are non believers in science despite the fact science completely disproves these ideas.  Yes there are genetic abnormalities, those are a very small percentage of all people born in the world.  People are not born as robots, flowers, dragons, fairies, or any other inanimate object you want to be.  Pro-nouns are complete crap.  You are a man or a woman, if you are a biological woman you will never pass as a man, period.  Same applies to natural born males who claim to be a woman.

Free speech is loved by the left and liberals alike but only if that speech agrees with their ideology.  This is a complete bullshit idea.  Free speech is free for everyone and I don't think that is a radical idea.  The natural consequence of using free speech is that your words may lead to people reacting to you negatively, assaulting you, or even putting your very life at risk.  You don't need to agree with what someone says to believe they have the right to say it.

The tax code in this country is so complex that no one person can figure it out.  The statistics of taxation are not disputed and show that the bottom 83% of tax payers pay nothing in taxes.  This means they might pay taxes out of their paychecks but the "refund" they get at tax time is equal to or greater than what was paid in thus they paid no $$ in taxes.  The top 17% pay 100% of the taxes that fund and run the govt.  How is that fair?  Also if every single worker paid a flat tax the govt would have more money to spend that they currently do.  The other benefit is that is the one true way for everyone to pay "their fair share."  If you cannot see how that is the most fair option I cannot help you.

The next point I want to give a quick take on is the Federal govt and its budget.  Year after year the feds fail to or barely make a yearly budget and it usually is full of fluff and has a shortage no matter what they do.  As normal people we are forced to live within our means, why should they not be held to the same standard?  Once again the flat tax would force them to live within a budget as the govt would know what they were getting and not be able to increase the taxes to cover their inability to live within their means.  Your money is not their money.  

The lost art of morals is something we see slip further and further down the rabbit hole.  It started with the 60's and the idea of free love and the huge increase in acceptance of drugs in our culture.  The positive things from the 60's was the fight for civil rights and equality.  In the 70's we saw the beginnings of anti-male feminism.  The 80's brought punk and anti-establishment violence and the beginning of pushing women out of the home and into the workforce (I know the whole patriarchal idea blah blah blah).  The 90's-2000's brought more drug use and the beginning of division based only on the color of your skin.  We began to see riots over racial issues.  In the last 10 years we saw the rise of the trans and sexual issues.  We are now told we must acknowledge each person for their uniqueness but not to point out that difference or you are transphobic, homophobic, racist, etc.  Everyone wants to have no label placed on them but then gets upset for you no acknowledging their labels. We are also now expected to believe that a babies life is not valid until the mother approves of it and has and chooses to keep the baby.  How sick and disgusting is the idea that a life is not important until someone else says it is? How did we slip so far from where we started?

Finally our rights granted via the constitution are absolute and should not be taken from us by votes or force.  The 2nd amendment was put in place to protect us from a govt that would attempt to take our rights and harm us.  It is our one way to protect our families, friends, and way of life.  As we give a little bit to the govt they take more and want more.

As we give a little of what makes us the greatest country in the world away we fall further toward the very thing we stand against.  Now is not the time for weak men and women to give ground.  It is the time for people of strength and moral value to stand firm and stop this upcoming fall of our great country.  There is a quote which says "If you refuse to stand for something you will fall for everything."  How fitting is that for where we are at this point in time.  Don't be afraid to stand for values and moral you support.  If we do not stand and speak now we may not get the chance in the future.

Intellectual debate requires 2 intellectuals!


Throughout American history the intellectual minded people have gotten together, discussed the topics of the day and come up with solutions that both sides agreed were the best solution for the problems.  As Liberalism slowly took over the education system and colleges the idea of an intellectual debate became a thing of the past.  No longer could men and women, Democrats and Republicans, or Liberals and Conservatives sit down and discuss these things to help solve our problems.  The left raised multiple generations of students to debate with name calling and safe zones.  They are being taught if you disagree with someone that the best way to combat the other persons obvious lower IQ, since they most likely don't have a degree or any form of higher education, is to call them a racist, sexist, boomer, homophobe, transphobe, Nazi, or any other name they can think of.  Only then can you show how much more intellectual you are.  Only then can you show them how dumb they really are.  On the other side of the debate there are very intelligent people who may or may not have a degree from college.  The difference is those people want to learn, educate themselves, and discuss our times and problems to solve them, not just get handouts for being offended.  

I started my life in a fairly Conservative home.  I didn't care much for politics because I did not understand why I should.  I was never taught why the decisions politicians made really mattered.  It wasn't for lack of trying on my parents part, it was school scrubbing history and starting to make the common man feel as though Conservative values, faith and other things were not important and only a tool for the evil capitalists to control us.  That is where it ended while I was in school.  Now kids are being taught our founding fathers were all racists who infused our systems with racism and no matter what POC have no chance to overcome it without violence or rebellion.  They are being told all cops are out hunting black people daily.  That rich white politicians have gamed the system to hold them back.  They are being infused with an attitude of hate and non-patriotism.  They are being divided by everything and everything is being dubbed racist.  The only thing not being dubbed racist is actual racism!  

I see more and more white kids being told they are oppressors and need to beg forgiveness from their peers who are minorities.  The kids who are minorities are being told their white peers are the cause of all their problems.  White kids are being told if they do not accept and fight for the BLM movement, trans movement, or LGBTQIA+ movement then they are oppressing people and they should be met with violence.  To teachers, professors, and parents pushing these ideas I say YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!  5 year old kids don't need to know about trans genderism, sexuality, or any other adult topics.  They should be free to be kids and worry about playing and having fun.  I have found myself asking "what is the end game?"  The only way I can see it is history repeating itself.  

In all of history the rich and powerful push division as a form of subservience. A way to keep the Pleebs in order and not take the power back.  America was the one country in the world who has constantly pushed to evolve and create an equal playing field.  As slavery swept the globe we went to war with one another to end it.  As women around the globe have been made to feel inferior, we as a nation pushed for women's equality.  In no way have we been perfect but we have done more to create an equal playing field than any other nation worldwide.  We have the richest poor people anywhere in the world.  We have laws in place to protect against discrimination, sexism, and all forms of crime.  So why would the powerful in our country want to end that?  It is simple, to keep their power.  The modern push for socialism because "Other times it has been tried they didn't do it right" is leading us down a path that will lead to the destruction of life as we know it.  Unless we stand and fight now we will lose all we have created.  

Like I said we are far from perfect, racist people still exist although the entire country is not racist, the poor are made to feel as though they cannot or will not climb out without big daddy government handing them everything, the rich feel untouchable, and the left wants open borders and no police.  What point will it be too far gone?  At what point will fighting make no difference at all?  A quote often attributed to Thomas Jefferson but more commonly attributed to Gerald Ford states "A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have." Greater words could not be spoken.  As big daddy government takes the reigns, divides us as a people and uses our youth for their own means we must realize once they get total control the people who blindly followed will be discarded and left for dead.  Conservative values are not sexist, racist or any other -ist you can find.  They are patriotic, seek equality, and express love and support for our fellow Americans.  If you are more liberal please find sources which back your positions and stop calling people you disagree with names.  Let us unite as We the People before it is too late!

Election season is upon us

 Wow its been six months since my last post and a lot of things have happened in politics and our country.  Lets start on the right side of ...