How Covid-19 changed America

 In 2020 the world changed dramatically.  Covid-19 began spreading like wildfire and countries struggled to handle the pandemic response.  While the initial evidence pointed to a lab in Wuhan may in our media and Government took the opportunity to take shots at the President for wanting to prevent travel from China.  They called him Xenophobic, Racist, and a White Supremacist all because he wanted to limit Americas exposure to people traveling from the suspected country of origin.  In March the Government suggested we lockdown for 15 days.  The phrase "15 days to slow the spread" lead the way.  Most Americans were understanding of that request and many businesses shut down, schools closed, and people stayed home.  High school graduations were cancelled or moved to virtual ceremonies.  By Aug 2020 when schools were to open back up people had been locked down for 5 months or more.  Almost all of the schools chose to move to remote learning.  Business had moved to remote work.  People had gotten used to the lockdowns and just went along, forgetting "15 days to slow the spread."  But not all people forgot that, some started pushing back on the regulations and rules imposed by our government.  Masking became a point of conflict.  One side supported masks forever, the other supported no masks at all.  In reality everyone should have been free to make their own choices.

So what did the Government learn during all of it?  They learned how easily Americans would believe whatever their chosen news source fed them.  They learned that Americans would go along to get along, even at the expense of their lives.  They learned how easily we could be manipulated to turn against one another.  They took two years of lockdown and divided us even further and faster than their previous idea (racial division).  Now we are divided by race, medical opinions, fear and income levels.  The poor and minority communities are being told the "rich" are doing whatever they want while locking us commoners down.  Minority communities have historically been told and are being told to not trust law enforcement because "All cops are racist."  We have seen a rise in lawlessness as cities refuse to prosecute "petty" crimes like theft and arson.  Violent crime is on the rise as we have seen attacks on the street in broad daylight.  Instead of stepping in people pull out their phones and "get the footage" so they can be famous.  Criminals and illegal immigrants have more rights than war veterans.  Cops are attacked in their cars and murdered and nothing happens.  We saw entire city blocks taken over and turned into autonomous zones where law enforcement was forced out.  That area, which was meant to be similar to a hippy commune, quickly was turned over to warlord Raz Simone and his "police" force took over.  People were injured and killed, and medical help was prevented from getting to them.  Did the government blame him or his goons?  Nope they blamed the medical professional for not doing enough and getting there in time.  All of this in just 2 years.

Just this week we saw a man pulled from his car by 5 police officers and brutally beaten and killed.  Major news networks quickly blamed white supremacy and the cops, until they found out the officers were all black and so was the man killed.  Fox news highlighted the cops as having gone way beyond protect and serve and even demanded justice.  What did the left-wing media do?  Had headlines like "Fox news finally puts blame where it belongs, with cops" and then they proceeded to demand police reform and once again "defunding" the police.  I watched that terrible video and all 5 of these cops need to face the justice they refused the man they killed.  Do I think that will happen?  No.  My reasoning is simple, it doesn't fit the left-wing narrative.  The left-wing narrative is simple, minorities are suffering under white supremacy every single day and white people are to blame.  For them nothing is not racist.  They say things like "If you aren't actively anti-racist then you are racist."  Remember earlier I said that was the first tactic they tried to use to divide us.  

Everything being pushed in the media and from left leaning politicians is meant for one thing, to push division.  That division is needed to control us as people.  While the elites run the government, we suffer.  While they make the rules, we suffer.  While they continue to keep people under their thumb, we suffer.  As we saw with masking and lockdowns once we as Americans unite and push back they change course.  America is a melting pot of all cultures and people.  We embrace LEGAL immigration.  When left to our own will we naturally do the right thing.  We do care about each other once we clear the fog of what the media is telling us.  Yes there are evil people in the world.  Some people are racist, sexist, and all the other words used to divide. Most people who embrace those values are quickly outed and suffer social consequences for their words and actions.  

America is not systemically racist.  In America we have the unique opportunity to move between economical classes.  You might be born rich, middle class or poor, but you alone can change all of it with your actions and motivation.  Yes some people start ahead with "generational" wealth and some of those people lose everything because of their actions.  Some people are born poor and with less but they make it out and move into the upper class with hard work and motivation.  To tell any kid "No matter how hard you work you will never be as good or get as far ahead as this kid" sets them up for failure.  It disgusts me that we have accepted mediocrity and whining as the standard.  Newer regenerations have accepted being victims.  They all believe they should not have to work long hours or put in max effort at work because they have been conditioned to believe if they aren't given it the person refusing to give it is "attacking" them or hates who they are.  We have raised a generation of pushovers who can't even handle a full 8-hour shift without devolving into the stock room to cry and make a Tik Tok video demanding "unionization."  Those who went to college to get a degree demand that society pays their student loans (yes that system sucks and needs to be overhauled as well). They demand $15/hour for entry level work and then cry about milk being $7/gallon.  They haven't been taught supply and demand, skill-based income or simple economics and survival skills.  For 2 years they did distant learning and honestly how many of them put in the effort?  We have seen scores and motivation decline.

Our future generations are in trouble.  Covid-19 showed the Government how quickly they can seize control.  They control the media, our school systems and our businesses.  Covid-19 did not force the government to do these things, they were working toward it already.  Covid allowed them to take what they have wanted all along.  We as Americans need to unite, demand term limits on all elected positions, demand the government work for us not the other way around.  Lets stop fighting against ourselves and do what is best for future generations!

Our elections are rigged!

 After President Joe Biden won the election in 2020 most right-wing news and political organizations began the idea that the election had been rigged.  Then came the events of Jan 6, 2021.  On the left the narrative became "Donald Trump was complicit in the insurrection on the Capital that day!"  On the right the narrative was "Trump never incited violence."  So who is correct?  In his speech on that day the following statement was made by Donald Trump:

"Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us. And if he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country because you’re sworn to uphold our Constitution. Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down -- and I’ll be there with you -- we’re going to walk down. We’re going to walk down any one you want, but I think right here. We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. And we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country."

Let's take a look a what each side pointed to to justify their positions.  The left cut and highlighted this "We’re going walk down to the’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing.....I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building" Now what was left out was this "and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. And we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."  And that is what the right points to as evidence he was not demanding they storm the Capital.  The left has since agreed he didn't "specifically" say to do it but he "knew his followers well enough to know there would be violence."  Is that how we want things to go?  Speculation, interpreting words aka saying they meant something they do not?  And this is the point when it comes to the elections of that year.  Both sides digging their heels in and not looking at the facts.  So here are some of the factual things from that election:

1. Donald Trump lost by 7 million votes.  He got 74,223,369 votes in 2020 as compared to the 81,282,916 Biden received. in 2016 he received 62,984,828 votes and Clinton got 65,853,514.  Trump increased his votes by 11,238,541.  Biden added 15,429,402 on the Democratic side.

2. We have begun to see reports about the Hunter Biden laptop that state "On the subject of the 2020 election, 79% overall said it was "very" or "somewhat" likely that "a truthful interpretation of the laptop" would have resulted in the reelection of President Donald Trump.  And nearly 4 in 5 that have followed the laptop story say they believe that "truthful" coverage would have changed the outcome.  That is a lot.

3. Many people have traced down addresses of voter registration and found the location did not exist, were empty buildings or lot or simply did not have the "voter" living there.

4. Many "key" states changed their voting regulations and rules to accommodate "Covid-19" and prevent people from having to vote in person.

With those things in mind let's look at 3 things: Covid-19, Laws and media coverage.  When it comes to Covid we all lived in an unknown world and did the best we could to protect ourselves and others (but that will be a future blog!).  Some states took that opportunity to not only change the way votes were cast and tallied but did so without following proper legalities within the state constitutions.  So why would the people in power within the state allow this?  Simple, to get the votes to go their way.  That goes for blue and red states.  But what I really want to look at it the media and how the stories are manipulated to meet political ends.  

The media covered up the Hunter Biden laptop and it has been proven they deliberately did so to keep it "hidden" until after the election.  They have tried to convince us that voter ID laws and voting in person is racist.  They say it is because minorities are unable or do not know how to obtain said ID, doesn't it seem racist a little bit to say an entire group of people is too stupid to figure it out?  They shadow banned or outright banned candidates from posting to social media platforms and being able to share their message, see the "Twitter files."  Elon Musk exposed Twitter and the policies that were in place to shut out conservative voices.  Once he did the media began calling him a "fascist", "white supremacist" and many other terrible things.  Why would they do that?  He exposed the media and its bias against certain views.  He began allowing ALL speech on a free speech platform and the narrative became "Elon musk is a threat to free speech by allowing all speech on Twitter."  So, allowing all speech is a threat to free speech?  Yes, some people can say awful things on the platform, they have the right to do so as long as it is not directing others to be violent or incite violence.  But even that is something all platforms allow for the leaders of Iranian, Palestinian and other governments who consistently post demands as to the destruction of Israel and committing violent genocide against certain ethnic groups.  But those comments and posts are left alone while a sitting President is banned for demanding accountability in our elections.  Please don't get me wrong Trump needed someone to vet his tweets and keep him from saying dumb stuff.  To me the biggest threat to our voting system isn't the politicians, it is the media who is being used by the politicians for political gain. 

So how can we stop this from happening?  I am going to suggest some things that will not only prevent "rigged" elections but also prevent lifelong politicians from feeling the need to use the media for political gain.

1. Enact term limits for all elected offices.  2 terms for all elected officials.  This will prevent lifelong politicians and allow a greater diversity in our seats of power.  

2. Restrict the amount of money any candidate can spend on a campaign.  The amount of money spent is ridiculous!

3. Demand at least 3 debates between the candidates during the election year and ensure they are all complete before the first mail-in ballots are sent.

4. Limit mail-in voting.  Ensure everyone coming to vote is identified and their votes are counted on election day.  It has become election weeks and that is ridiculous.

5. Voter ID.  Make it free and make it easily attained.  I recommend when someone comes in for a driver's license add something to their ID for voting, like we do with organ donation.  If they don't have a license issue a state ID for free that is used for welfare benefits, identification and voting.

6. Stop the officials who certify the election from being a candidate.  This happened in AZ and there are many here who believe it was not right.

So there it is, do I think the election in 2020 was "rigged", no I do not.  Do I think more regulation and oversight is needed?  Yes I do.  The Democrats are proposing a bill allowing 16 year olds to vote, why?  Simple, they know at that age no one cares and is easily manipulated so votes will be easier to get, see class president election in high school.  In those many promise longer lunches and less time in class to get votes.  That is what will happen if we allow that.  

In conclusion I think our system is broken.  It has been taken over by extremists on both sides and will eventually be our downfall.  This is the greatest country to have ever exist on the planet Earth.  We are the beacon for abused and enslaved people around the world.  That is why so many people want to come here.  I heard today that a large percentage of our 2 youngest generations think America is a terrible country and hate it.  The classrooms, media and left are telling them constantly America was founded in racism (See the 1619 project), America is hated by the rest of the world (not true as more and more immigrants want in) and that Socialism is the way to go (More on that in a future blog).  If you made it this far, I appreciate it.  Leave a comment, let me know any topics you would like me to research and provide some thoughts on and share with your friends!  Civil discourse can only be achieved by civilized people.

2 years later

     Ok so it has been more than a few months since I took a break from this blog, but I am back!  I took the time off to pay attention to the world we are living in and watch the shift in the political spectrum.  Hopefully this is the first of my blogs I post this year.  

Now lets get into my thoughts and feelings about the past two years.  From 2019-2020 I posted a lot on Facebook and other social media about my view on many topics.  I also started this blog and shared similar positions and thoughts.  Back then the "left leaning" advocates were operating somewhat in the shadows, denying the agenda they were pushing for and working hard behind the scenes to change generations of children against the country and traditional values.  How did they do this?  It started in public schooling and the curriculum.  Until the lockdowns during Covid many parents were unaware of exactly what their children were being taught in school.  Often a kid's rebelliousness would be blamed on growing up, truth was they were being indoctrinated to a belief that forced that rebellion.  Parents began to see kids as young as kindergartners being exposed to sexual relationships, race relations, and general anti-family beliefs.  While children eventually need to have that exposure, it needs to be done at home, not the classroom.  A lot of the beliefs being taught run counter to families with strong religious or traditional values.  After the lockdowns ended, we saw a large number of children being taken out of public school and either homeschooled or placed in private schools which give parents more control over the curriculum.  At this point logic would state the public schools would move further from the fringe topics and get back to the basics.  Fact is they did the exact opposite.  We now see drag shows in school assemblies, activist flags and slogans posted in classrooms, and teachers fighting to keep control over "their kids."  The left chose to double down, strip off the masks and very publicly advocate for the ability to indoctrinate our kids.

And the schools are just the beginning.  We saw Row V Wade overturned and the abortion regulation turned back over to the state.  So what was the reaction from the left to this?  Mass protests, violence, and an immediate movement to tell women they now were being oppressed and prevented from having bodily autonomy and reproductive rights.  The idea that reproductive rights start after pregnancy is simply wrong.  Womens reproductive autonomy and freedom starts before the sexual act even occurs!  We tell women it is empowering to sleep around, get pregnant and dispose of their kids.  Women are truly empowered by being able to be selective in partners, prevent pregnancy, and most of all respect themselves enough to know they have more value than what is between their legs.  Men also have the same value and empowerment.  Being a player and having multiple children with multiple women isn't empowering, it is low down and shady.  Men have more value than what is between their legs too.  Yes sex is fun, pleasurable and something most adults enjoy, pregnancy is the direct risk of this action, protected or not.  We should be teaching our children self-respect, respect for human life and also their value in life not just the bedroom.

We have seen a rise in the LGBTQIA+ movement and the desire to sexualize and allow children to go through gender affirming care aka mutilating themselves for life for temporary feelings.  We need to let kids be kids.  Adults can choose that life or not but most humans brains are not fully developed until their mid 20's.  Why would anyone allow kids as young as 5 to dress in drag, take hormone replacement medication and even go through surgery to remove healthy body parts all in the name of "understanding." The studies show that a large percentage of young children that are not given those options choose to not do them later in life.  And those given those options have a high percentage who detransition later in life and regret those choices.  As parents it is our job to help out kids navigate the world and discover who they truly are.  Help them understand everyone at one point or another feels like they are in the wrong body and have no idea why they feel that way.  The wrong way to help is to agree with the confusion and push them to make life altering choices that may or may not be reversible.  The left is normalizing "family-friendly" all ages drag shows.  They are making tv shows highlighting young kids in drag or sexualized situations and telling the world the kids are "Brave" "Bold" and "revolutionary".  The reality is that it is grooming our kids to not understand "stranger danger" and make them feel like some of these people are threats.  I know not all of them are that way but any group of people who engage with young children there is a greater possibility of pedophiles wanting to be involved.

The left is manipulating language to make terms less "offensive."  Here is a not so finite list of the most obvious:

1. Pedophile.  Has been rebranded as a "minor attracted person".  We are told this is a sexuality similar to being attracted to the same sex.  Normalizing this behavior was the "slippery slope" argument right leaning people were accused of pushing and then actively told "that would never happen." But here we are.

2. Illegal Immigrant- The left now wants us to use the term non-documented migrant or asylum seekers.  So why does this matter?  Simple the act of illegally crossing the border is a crime.  These people are allowed to seek asylum from tyrannical governments, that is true.  But the rule is you can seek it from the closest country to your own.  Many of these people come from South America and travel through multiple countries to America when they should stop in one of the many countries they travel through.

3. Patriot- These people are now being called "white supremacists" and we are being told it is due to white people being racist and all patriots are white people.  Very flawed argument.  Reality is all Americans should be patriotic!  It is our country and laws that give us the freedoms these very same leftists are using to change things.

4. Racism- Is now being positioned and pushed as anything done by white people which negatively impacts minorities. Truth is racism is any race which does negative things to any other race simply because of the race.   Every single skin color can be racist.  We will never solve racism by enacting laws which are racist.  

Like I said just a starting list for my fight against the injustice I am seeing this year.  Next blog I will be tackling our election system and why I feel a change should be made! 

If you read this and want more of my thoughts please send a comment and let me know!

Election season is upon us

 Wow its been six months since my last post and a lot of things have happened in politics and our country.  Lets start on the right side of ...