Juneteenth and Reparations

 Yesterday was Juneteenth.  For those who may not know what exactly that is here is a little history for you.  After Lincoln freed the slaves in the United States it took many months for the world to get to all states and cities. On June 19, 1865 Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, TX.  The Army announced that the 250,000 enslaved black people in the state had been freed by executive decree.  This day became known as Juneteenth by the newly freed people in Texas. In 2021 Congress passed a bill and it was signed into law making Juneteenth a national holiday. 

While I feel this is an event that should be recognized and maybe even had been made a national holiday, this year I found myself irritated by all the virtue signaling I saw and heard.  In recent history June has become a month where we are flooded with LGBTQIA+ propaganda and the past two years one of the days become a huge flood of praising the black community for something that was done for them not by them. For me it would be similar to praising your white friends on the 4th of July for our freedoms.  But on the 4th we don't do that, we celebrate as Americans. I have never once seen a social media post saying "Happy 4th of July to my white friends!" but yesterday I saw multiple posts from people saying "Happy Juneteenth to all my black friends!" It is ridiculous that a day people gained freedom has been turned into another virtue signaling opportunity.  Much like the BLM or Ukraine support profile pictures this day is becoming another opportunity to signal your virtue and "support." But support of what exactly?  I think the day should be celebrated the same way we celebrate the 4th of July, Freedom is something to be praised, not individual racial groups.

The other big news in the black community is reparations.  California has a group called the "California Reparations Task Force", a group who spent time and government money to figure out how much money was appropriate as reparations in a state which never had actual slavery. So who do they feel is eligible?  Black Californians who are decedents of slaves (But how do they prove it?).  They recommend $1,200,000 per black Californian, yes 1.2 million dollars per black person in California or $800 billion dollars total, more than California's GDP.  How will they pay this?  Taxes on everything!  So why are Asians, Irish and other races who were slaves left out?  That answer is simple, this movement is another virtue signal and attempt to secure a voter base.  

This push came at a time where the Democratic party has seen black people leaving their party in droves.  The black community is starting to see that the Democrats and left do not have their best interest in mind.  From my experience the conservative movement is more aligned with the larger black community, not the extremists.  Black families believe in faith, traditional male/female roles, raising kids with good moral and values, anti-abortion, anti-lgbtqia and working hard to succeed in America.  As with most people in America, not the far left or right, most of us just want to live our lives and be successful.  But what we see in the media is the extremes and that makes those in the middle feel like they are alone in their beliefs.  Most Americans hold the same beliefs and our media and government push division because it sells or gets them elected.  We are all American.  Most Americans do not define themselves by race first.  

We have seen in the past few months a huge pushback against the LGBTQIA+ agenda, racial division and the trans movements.  These fringe movements are being rejected whole cloth.  People are starting to fight back and I love it!  We need to stand for equality, unity and what is morally correct or we will find our country lost to these fringe groups.  As I have stated more than once we are a good people overall.  All of us want freedom and success.  All of us want our kids safe.  All of us want to be able to afford to live and have the things we want.  So take this day to do something nice for someone because you can!  We need to unite and stay united in order for our country to continue to be the beacon of freedom that brings people from around the world to our doors wanting the American Dream.  We can do this and we can stay free!

USA, Third World Country

 The United States is a unique experiment in politics.  Our founding fathers created a melting pot for all nations and peoples to have freedom.  Through the years and election cycles we have seen mudslinging, attack ads and everything imaginable to discredit the other political opponents.  The one thing we have never seen until recently is the attempt to arrest, jail and forcefully stop a political opponent.  This is something that happens in 3rd world dictatorships and Marxist countries.  This is the tool of "leaders" who are afraid of losing power.  Ever since the second Donald Trump was elected as President the Democratic party, media and political elites have done everything in their power to impeach, arrest, harass and just make his life hell.  Even through it all he is still standing and trying to win office again!

This past weekend these same Democratic politicians and DA's indicted Trump for what they call threats to national security.  The primary focus is his retention and storage of "classified" documents (103 to be exact).  They showed pictures of stacks of document boxes they claimed contained these documents.  I think any normal person who has ever seen these boxes knows each one can contain hundreds of documents, so why have more than just one box for 103 pages?  The answer is simple, to create an image that Trump had more than the 103 pages they found.  In reality he had every right under the Presidential Records Act to not only declassify any documents he wanted but to also remove and take with him when he left those documents.  He was required to store them in a place secured to FBI standards, and they had validated he had done just that.  The news is already convicting him of crimes he did not commit.  But you know who did?  Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.  There is documented evidence Hillary had an unclassified server containing thousands of classified documents in her home.  Before she could be charged, she destroyed, with bleach, the server, cell phones and other items which contained the documents.  Joe Biden took documents out of secured areas when he was a Senator and also the Vice President.  These documents were found at every single one of his properties and in most cases not in a location secured at all.  The difference in these two cases is that the people involved were Democrats and also not allowed to remove or declassify documents!  These two cases were actual crimes!

So why is Trump now faces criminal charges?  Simple, he is a threat to the political establishment.  Their power is under direct threat.  They must stop him at any cost.  In order for them to maintain their grip on money and power he must be removed from the equation.  This is where 3rd world countries can be looked at as examples of what their plan is.  If anyone is a threat, they will be removed from the playing field at any cost.  He is being made the example for anyone else who dares to go outside the lines and try to make actual change in our system.  We as Americans cannot sit idly by and watch this happen.  We need to stand up and hold these vicious politicians accountable.  We the people must remove them from office and ensure they never sit in those seats again.  If we do not this will be the beginning of the end of our Republic and country.  I firmly believe in my lifetime good men and women will have to stand side by side and fight once again for our freedoms.  This will be the fight of our life and we must be ready.  I am not calling for violent revolution as I do believe we can legally stop this before it gets to that point, but we must be ready to stand firm to any extent or everything we hold close to our hearts will be ripped from our hands.  I for one will not stand by and watch our country fall as every other empire in the world has.  Thie country is worth fighting for and we need to be ready.

How leftist policies destroy cities

 I was reading an article this morning about a Gen Z activist in San Francisco who is documenting the downfall of the city due to the massive drug use, specifically Fentanyl.  He documents overdoses, homelessness, crime, etc. and has seem a massive increase in all as people have fled the city in huge numbers.  So what has contributed to this increase?  The answer, Liberal or leftist policies.  Legalizing drugs, allowing needle exchanges, increasing social welfare programs, encouraging people not to work by paying more in welfare than min wage and not locking up criminals.  Since I have moved back to Denver, which was once a much more conservative city, I have seen almost daily stories on the news about drug use, crime, violence, deaths in the black community, etc. Just yesterday a story about a 14-year-old black boy who committed armed robbery of a vape shop and was shot and killed by police in the alley behind it because he had a gun and attempted to aim at the cops.  a black activist was on the news saying "Police don't need to stop, question, arrest them, or anything.  They just need to be there."  Essentially saying black people in the city have the right to do anything without consequence.  That is ridiculous!  The family of the boy is suing the police and demanding millions.  Rather than look at what they may have done wrong that allowed their 14-year-old son to think armed robbery was acceptable.  

The point of this blog being these policies which decriminalize crime, encourage not working, promote drug use, etc. are causing nothing but harm.  We are a country of law and order.  Without it we will devolve into chaos and lose the freedoms we know and love.  We have seen police arrested and their lives ruined for doing the job to protect us!  Now I do understand there are some police officers abusing authority and being bias in enforcement of the law, this should be addressed and corrected.  But a vast majority of police officers are good people working hard to protect us.  At the same time criminals are made to be martyrs for minority communities.  Look at George Floyd, his situation was one of a lifetime of crime, violence and drug use.  In his case the black community created statues, said he was a pillar of his community and say he was murdered by the cops.  Neither of those two things is true.  I will go as far as to say if that community stopped making these criminals heroes, stopped them from infecting their communities and taught their children to look up to successful black people like Senator Tim Scott, Justice Thomas, or Ben Carson as heroes they might see it is possible to be successful despite your starting place in our country.  These people and many others should be placed in the media and applauded for their success.  The other issue is single parent homes.  Regardless of the color of someone's skin this is the main reason for success and failure in life.  When a home had a mother and a father the children as a majority are more successful.  

So what is the solution?  Do not have children with someone who doesn't have the same values, limit sex partners to people who will help raise your children not destroy them, instill in your kids respect for authority and good morals and have a basis of faith in your home!  Sounds simple but these few things would drastically change the face of our country.  I would also throw in a respect and pride in America!  We are all Americans, not "insert race identity"-Americans. We should unite as Americans against the world.  We have the greatest country in the world, hands down.  Until we figure that out and take pride in it we will continue to decline.  

I am not saying conservative policies would totally work either.  Both sides have issues and the solution is somewhere in the middle.  But faith, pride in country and good morals and values would solve a majority of our problems.  Police are not the enemy, law and order is not racist, Faith is not the problem, and most of all we are the only solution!  Govt cannot and will not protect or save us.  The government "We the People" not elected officials.  States should have more rights over their citizens than the feds and local communities and organizations should be providing the social welfare, not the government!  Small government and localized policies are needed.  

Election season is upon us

 Wow its been six months since my last post and a lot of things have happened in politics and our country.  Lets start on the right side of ...