Election season is upon us

 Wow its been six months since my last post and a lot of things have happened in politics and our country.  Lets start on the right side of the spectrum, Trump was indicted in several states and liberal courts on charges which have little to no evidence and I fully expect to be thrown out in the end.  He was also selected as the Republican Party candidate for President!  This will be his third time being the candidate and his momentum is at an all-time high.  We have seen vast numbers of minorities leaving the Democratic party and throwing their support to Trump.  So why would lifelong Democrats change their party affiliation and vote?  The answer is much simpler than it seems, they realized for generations the Democrats have done nothing for their communities and only give a crap about them every election cycle.  These groups have seen greater success under the Trump/Republican policies.  They also have seen the left push further into the fringes on topics like abortion, antisemitism, anti-white racism, socialism, open borders and overthrowing our country as we know it.  The left has begun advocating for segregation in schools, dormitories, offices, and every other part of our lives.  They have focused on victimhood and why that prevents each group from success.  They blame everything on systemic racism and claiming white people are preventing a thriving minority community. They are also ok with jailing political rivals, changing our checks and balances when it comes to the Supreme court, censoring speech they disagree with and most of all they have suggested throwing out the Constitution and starting over.  They are doing all of this in an effort to provide "equity" when in reality it is because the levers of power have shifted more right leaning and they want to remove obstacles to ending America as we know it.

On the left side we have heard them preach that Trump is a "threat to democracy" and "he will be a dictator."  They are against ID's to vote and ensuring only American citizens are voting.  They claim if he is elected there will never be another vote.  The reality is they had a Democratic primary and the voters selected President Biden as their candidate.  After a terrible debate in June the Democratic machine and media turned on him, began saying he was unfit for office and forced him to withdraw as the candidate.  So naturally I think most Americans assumed there would be a shortened primary where candidates could be vetted for voters to select the candidate.  The reality was much more dark, the Democratic machine and donors hand selected VP Harris as the candidate and negated the will of their voters.  That is a threat to democracy and removal of the power of the people.  To be clear VP Harris is just as responsible for the policies put in place as President Biden is.  According to the President, his press secretary and media outlets have consistently stated she was as involved in those choices as he was. Now that she is the candidate she states positions in direct opposition to the policies that have been put in place.  She has stated she was for mass amnesty, open borders, abortion up to birth, govt healthcare and removal of private healthcare, increased taxes, writing off college loans, militarizing govt agencies against political rivals, and increases in CRT and the LGBTQIA agenda in schools and businesses.  Now she states the exact opposite view on all those issues.  She claims to fix all those things on day 1 when she is elected, but she is forgetting the is the Vice President and can make those changes now! But she isn't, so my question is why?  She is avoiding interviews and debates, why?

Of all the elections in my lifetime this one seems to be a pivotal one for the direction of our country.  There is a very clear choice to be made.  On one hand you can select VP Harris and continue down the path we have been on since 2020.  That path leads to the downfall of America and transforms us into a socialist nation and eventually to a third world dictatorship.  On the other hand you can vote for Trump.  This path we have seen before from 2016-2020.  Until Covid destroyed businesses and killed our economy Trumps policies had the lowest unemployment among all demographics, most secure border ever in our history, the Abraham accords saw Muslim countries and Israel agree to trade agreements and peaceful interaction, he did not get us into any wars and began a strategic draw down in Afghanistan, during his term Iran/North Korea/Russia and all our other adversaries did not attack us or any of our allies, he renegotiated trade agreements to our benefit, his refusal to pay the UN until all the other countries paid their share led to a massive increase in countries meeting their obligations, and he was willing to sit with any and all world leaders.  Under Trump we were the freest, most prosperous and safest we have been in several generations.  

For me the choice is not a choice at all.  As I have stated many times in this blog I will always fall on the side of America and making us great!  My next blog will focus on the VP candidates and what they stand for.  In 2024 I will be voting for Trump and doing my best to expose the left, VP Harris, Gov Walz and all the other leftists for their policies and lies.

Election season is upon us

 Wow its been six months since my last post and a lot of things have happened in politics and our country.  Lets start on the right side of ...