Debates, Elections and Indictments oh my

Why as this year flies by do I feel more and more like Dorthy in the Wizard of Oz?  Swept away to some far away land where nothing makes sense.  Since my last blog in November the US has been completely turned on its head.  The leftists and mainstream media has done everything in their power to destroy Donald Trump and boost the flailing administration in the White House.  Not until February did they start to turn on each other and begin to destroy themselves.  Donald Trump was indicted in a Georgia court by a DA who got her job with the promise of putting him in jail, same thing in New York.  We saw Trump get a civil judgement of $355 Million for fraud levied against him by a judge who is a major Democratic donor.  The issue here is there was no complaining party aka a bank or anyone he defrauded.  The loans he was given were paid back in full with interest.  Back to Georgia, turns out the Georgia DA, Fani Willis, was paying the lead prosecutor more than any other prosecutor ever to lead the trial against Trump.  This prosecutor and her had a sexual relationship before and during the indictment.  He used taxpayer monies he was paid to take her on lavish vacations and getaways.  During the hearing to find out if she committed any crimes doing that he said she paid him back in "cash" with no receipts to prove it.  She angrily took the stand and acted like a complete jackass.  She was talking over the attorney asking her questions, disrespecting the judge and in my opinion mocking the judicial system.  She didn't deny any allegations she was facing and admitted to going on the vacations or using cash to pay him back with no evidence.  How is it that these DA's and lawyers think they are above the law.  It used to be something they did in the shadows and kept it hidden no matter what.  Today these people have no fear of being placed in jail and make no effort to hide or deny what they are doing.  It is disgusting.

Speaking of Trump, he has erased all but one of his primary challengers.  The last standing person is former UN ambassador Nikki Haley.  In reality she stands zero chance of winning and I think she is holding on in hopes Trump gets convicted and she can take his place.  On the other side of the election we have President Joe Biden.  IN the past 3 years his administration has done everything in their power to destroy America while claiming "Maga" republicans are trying to destroy democracy.  In the past 3 years we have seen a steady flood of illegal immigrants through the southern border.  Southern Governors decided to bus many of them to the Democratic run "sanctuary cities" and doing that put the problem directly back in the lap of state and city Democrats.  The immediate response from these politicians was to beg the feds for money and claim the Republican Governors were trying to destroy their cities.  The good news is most people in those cities know the truth, the policies of these politicians is the issue, not the actions of the border states.  We have seen minority citizens in Detroit, Chicago, New York and other Democratically run cities going to council meeting and voicing their displeasure with those policies.  We have seen a huge portion of the minority communities leaving the Democratic party and choosing to be Independent or Republican. We have seen these horribly run cities losing citizens hand over fists as they choose to move into Republican run cities.  States like California, New York and Colorado have lost huge parts of their population to more tax friendly, police supporting, and more free states like Florida and Texas.  It isn't farfetched to say this is the most important election of my lifetime.  This election is the one which highlights the difference in politics more than any other I have witnessed.  On one side you have anti-police, pro-illegal immigration, anti-gun, pro-abortion, pro-transing kids and anti-American values.  The other has law and order, anti-abortion aka murder of babies, Christian values, pro-LEGAL immigration, pro-gun, anti-trans, and very pro-American.  On the left you can kill your kid up to and including after birth or force your kids to be sterilized and castrated after they are born and alive for years.  The left is fine with drug addicts and murderers running the streets with no cash bail, heck they even canonize them into idols and saints.  The right wants to protect children before and after birth.  They are against transition drugs and chemical castration of kids.  They are for locking criminals up and throwing away the key.  They are against letting illegals into our cities for years unchecked with the hope they return for their "asylum hearing."

I heard Biden say today that his cancelling student loans will help hard working Americans achieve the dream of being middle class.  What exactly does that even mean, we strive for mediocrity?  We were once a country of people who worked hard to be the absolute best at what we did.  We worked hard to be a beacon of Freedom.  For him to imply that the middle class is as high as Americans can go is ridiculous.  It is a prime example of the elites telling us the middle class is perfect, thus keeping their elitism.  We have also seen the elites vs the normal person in the trials we are witnessing. Our two-tiered system of justice has never been more obvious.  On one side Biden and his family are getting a pass for their corrupt actions.  Joe Biden took classified documents when he was a Senator and VP (which he was not allowed to do), didn't disclose them until he was caught and the DA saying they wouldn't charge because “We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.....Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him — by then a former president well into his eighties — of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.” And while this was being presented the media and left was telling us Biden was mentally on his game and sharper than ever. At the same time Trump is being indicted in 4 separate case, one of which is about classified document he kept as President (which he is allowed to do). Trump may be a Billionaire but he represents us, the American people. Biden represents the elites and those who are above the law. Everything being done to Trump reminds me of third world countries where political rivals are jailed and even murdered by the ruling elites and it scare the hell out of me.
This year and this election I for one will stand with the side that protects kids, protects our cities, protects our borders, and works to ensure our nation stands for generations to come.  It isn't Democrats vs Republicans.  It isn't left vs right.  It isn't Biden vs Trump even.  It is Americans vs Socialist intent on destroying what we have built.  Where do you stand?

Viewing the world through a prism

 As we see the world devolve into chaos and violence, I have begun to observe people, their behaviors, and how most people view society and to be honest it has been eye opening.  Every day in our media we see groups from far-left movements like Black Lives Matter to far-right movements like the Patriot front highlighted or mocked.  The media wants us to believe that Americans support one or the other when the truth is most Americans fall somewhere in the middle-left or middle-right.  The media tells us that if you want women to have a choice on abortion you must be 100% pro-abortion and if you don't then you are against a womans right to proper healthcare.  They tell us if you are not actively denouncing racism and fighting against it then you support racist ideas.  If you are against illegal immigration, then you hate all immigrants.  If you don't support the Government providing someone their entire existence then you hate poor people.  See how they make everything black and white?

I had an interesting discussion with a liberal co-worker yesterday.  He stated that people on "one side" of the discussion are rich assholes who have zero empathy for poor people because they "never lived it."  His idea was that right leaning conservatives were against welfare and helping people who may be struggling.  He couldn't see that most conservative indeed want to help people to an extent, we just don't want to support them for life. His view was that because they were rich, they must have been born into it.  He stated that in climbing the mountain of life some people start at the basecamp and others start halfway up the mountain.  His point being the "silver spoon" people are given a leg up and thus have a greater ability to succeed vs someone born into a working-class home.  While I agree the working-class person has to work harder to achieve the same result, I disagree that is cannot be done.  America is unique in that citizens can transverse classes.  They can with effort and work elevate themselves from lower-class to middle or upper-class.  At the same time someone born into the upper-class can fall into the middle or lower-class by making little or no effort.  That is what makes us an amazing place to live.

These kinds of ideology are the reason for the title of this blog.  Each of us uniquely views the world through our chosen prism.  We select how we view events and situations based on a myriad of factors ranging from family structure, friends groups, media ingested, music we listen to, and community we live in.  I was married to an African American woman and one of our first dates we went to a restaurant. While we were there an older white woman walked by our table several times.  The third time she walked by my date got visibly angry and said "If she glares at us again, I am going to say something."  I hadn't noticed the woman looking in our direction but she did.  When I asked what was going on I was told the woman was walking by glaring because she obviously didn't think a black woman and a white man should be on a date.  I told her to let it go, it was no big deal.  My date said she couldn't let it go because "racism should be pointed out so people can evolve." My position was simple, the older lady, if she indeed had an issue with us, was raised in a different era and most likely was beyond the age of "evolving" into modern society.  If she indeed looked at black people as violent or angry I saw no value in my date getting angry and getting in her face because that would simply reenforce the old woman's views.  That situation highlights what I mean when I say we view the world through our prism.

We see the same thing in news stories highlighting violence against minorities.  We see story after story about "racist cops" hunting down and killing black people.  At the same time mods of black people beating white people is shown as a fight against racism, it makes no sense.  Violence against anyone of a different ethnicity based on their race is wrong.  Police brutality against anyone based on race is wrong.  Violence against police because of their profession is wrong.  So the question becomes, how do we stop seeing the world through a specific lens?  To me the answer is we need to communicate with people of all backgrounds, stand on good morals and values, respect all human life (in and out of the womb), encourage marriage and families, renew or faith in a higher power, stop being selfish, stand up for what is morally right and just, and most of all respect everyone!  In elementary school I was taught the Golden Rule, that is how I live my life.  I may disagree with views or beliefs someone may have but it doesn't mean I hate them.  I don't have to support your lifestyle, it doesn't mean I hate you. We need to stop thinking everyone who disagrees with us hates us or wants the worse for us.

In a world where hate and violence are the norm we need to strive to do and act as we want to be treated.  Love everyone and do what you can to make ripples in your pond.  Small acts of kindness makes a difference.  Make an effort to know why you view the world the way you do and work to see it from all angles.  I pray we change the path we are on as I love my country and want us to continue to thrive.

You ever dance with the Devil by the pale moonlight?

 When I was growing up I watched a lot of TV.  Everything from sitcoms to movies and almost all of them had a family unit consisting of a mom, dad and several kids.  From the Cosby family to the Bundy's that was the dynamic.  I started wondering why that was and all I could imagine was the morals of our country were vastly different than today.  Today we see every single movie or tv show pushing left wing ideology.  Every single one needs to have the most ethnically diverse, most powerful women, most stupid dumb ass white guys, and of course a rep from every single letter of the alphabet people (LGBTQIA+). All of them must meet the criteria except minority focused shows, those of course must highlight the race of the people as superior to everyone else in every way.

The other thing I have been focused on this week is relationships.  Since my last divorce I jumped back into the dating world.  I made the decision to set solid boundaries, ask and give clear requests and expectations, and most of all be 100% honest from the start.  What I found was a lot of my so called first dates were taken back by that and didn't know how to deal with it.  I look at it from this perspective, why lie or be deceitful?  If the relationship turns into a long-term relationship or marriage the truth will come out eventually so why start off on dishonesty.  The other thing I found was I was typically the only person on the date doing any of those things.  This experience made me once again turn to media/movies/tv shows and see what is being shoved down our throats.  For men it is unrealistic expectations from porn, for women it is unrealistic expectations from movies and tv.  Men expect a woman to be a freak all the time.  Give into his carnal desires and be what he views on the hub.  Women want a man who is strong, rugged, muscular, and emotionally available.  Both of these things men and women will never find in real life!  Yes there are people who have some of the characteristics we seek but not all of them.  If people could be honest from the first meeting we could change the expectations.  If we could focus on building with someone with openness and honesty we would start to see a shift away from the isolated exitance we are living in.

Our children need examples of the nuclear family and good relationships!  In order to change the downward trend of more deaths per year than births.  The rise in pro-abortion, anti-religion, anti-nuclear family, pro-lgbtqia, pro-trans agenda has decimated the foundation of America.  Our kids are being indoctrinated into this androgynous cult and are told the world should revolve around them.  A full-time job is not something you should be doing because its "unfair" or a greedy employer.  They should be making enough working part time to support themselves and a family, which is ridiculous!

I think we need to get back to a moralistic and hard-working society which works hard to be the best in the world while also not finding victimhood in everything.  Stop finding the latest and greatest "label" to be an individual.  Grow the fuck up! Until we do these things we will continue to watch America and our freedoms collapse.

End of days

 Wow 19 days after my last blog and I have witnessed things I never expected.  In the 1930's there was a man in Germany who began a campaign of antisemitism against the Jewish people in Germany.  After millions of deaths and a world war he ended his own life in a bunker.  When I was in school, we learned of this man and what happened during that time in history.  I never in a million years thought in my lifetime we would see the rise of antisemitism once again.  On October 7 Hamas, a terrorist organization, launched an attack on Israel which killed over 1400 innocent Jewish Israelites.  As Israel is preparing to launch a retaliation strike against the Gaza strip protests began popping up worldwide against it.  There were also protests on college campuses all across America and in Washington DC, including some of our elected congress people leading pro-Palestinian protestors into several buildings, which is illegal by law in DC.  In the videos I saw there were tons of students waving the Palestine flag and chanting things like "Gas the Jews" and "Jewish genocide."  There were similar chants by protestors in Times Square in New York!  These chants are scenes I watched when I was in school, and I was shocked.  After terrorists killed thousands of innocent women and children and took hundreds more hostage the leftists/Marxist and media began demanding a ceasefire from Israel and condemning any retaliation at all.  The idea our media would do this does not surprise me but the amount of antisemitism I am seeing is scary.

I want to be perfectly clear in my stance, I support Israel and pray they are able to defeat Hamas and all other terrorist who threaten and kill their people.  I defend its right to defend themselves.  I will NEVER defend the actions Hamas and Hezbollah have taken against innocent civilians.  After 9/11 America was united against these types of people and their actions.  Now 22 years later college kids and congress people are defending their actions and chanting for the destruction of Jews, it's unbelievable.  It is this type of indoctrination that we saw in Germany.  Hitler made the German people turn on their neighbors and friends by demeaning the Jewish people and making them seem less than human.  Anyone who could ever consider someone to be less than human deserves whatever comes their way.  

There is an old saying that those who do not learn history are destined to repeat it applies here.  The liberal left has ran our education system for decades and they have indoctrinated multiple generations to hate America, our freedoms and the rights we have as citizens.  We now see them turning youth against our allies and teaching them that our enemies are the "oppressed" people and we are the "oppressors." This short sided view of oppressed vs oppressors is the way every single leftist sees the world.  In race relations, minorities are oppressed by the white people.  In climate and finance the poor are oppressed by the rich.  In education minority students are oppressed by systemic racism. In terrorism the terrorists are being oppressed by the victims of terrorism. So why would they see the world this way?  The answer is not as complex as you might think, the people they claim are oppressed they see as less of a threat to their power than the people they say are oppressing them.  Once again it all comes back to power and money.  Once the so-called "oppressors" are removed by violence then the powerful can oppress the people they claim were oppressed the entire time! Throughout history we have seen this same scenario play out and every single time the poor, destitute and oppressed always stay that way.  The "promises" they are given are easily removed because they voluntarily give up their rights and freedoms in effort to gain the freedom they are told they don't have.  In the end they have no rights and even less freedom.

I understand that if Israel flattens the Gaza Strip there will be innocent people that are killed, that is war unfortunately.  But free countries and states need to stand together against terrorist and their ideology or we will lose all of our freedoms and rights and never get them back.  America is the last beacon of Freedom and Democracy around the world and we need to stand up and defend it to the death or this is indeed the end of days.

Living in the void

 For the past 8 months my entire life has been one of living in the void.  What exactly do I mean by this?  I moved back home to Denver, CO back in March.  My company was supposed to have me working a program located in Colorado Springs, CO starting in June but between March and June I would work in Aurora, CO.  So, I temporarily began living back home with my parents.  Long story short, 8 months later I am still living in my parents' basement, I am still not working in Colorado Springs and most of all I am not assigned to any program but instead am working as a fill-in or as needed system administrator for the company.  Many other admins have come in since I got here and they are all working daily in their program spaces, this includes one who was also assigned to the Springs.  He was moved to a position in Aurora.  "Why are you telling me this?" you are asking, well its simple, my life is mimicking what we are seeing in our country and government in recent years.

Currently in the USA we see generations of lost people, filling the void day in and day out.  These people go through their day without ever striving for the self-fulfillment that comes from accomplishment.  We see them using their coworkers and complaining about having to actually do their job instead of enjoying social time with their friends.  We see them jump from job to job based solely on how much money someone will pay them.  They have no pride in their work and could care less if the company remains in business.  They get their paper from the college, jump to the highest bidder with no loyalty and refuse to better themselves for any reason other than money.  Then they go to the bars or clubs in hopes of finding the next person to wake up next to in bed regretting the choices the night before.  They don't look for relationships because much like job loyalty a relationship would require selflessness and giving of oneself for another and they were not raised with these values.  The non-committal nature has been ingrained in their minds from an early age. Values such as hard work, loyalty, commitment, value, respect, and others are foreign concepts. In the end they don't find their work or personal life fulfilling at all.

Our government is another example of people who live in the void.  In this case the void is Washington DC and politics.  Our "leaders" visit their home states for short periods of time to shake hands and kissing babies while lying to their voters faces knowing all along their loyalty is with lobbyists and other politicians.  The world they live in is full of lies, deceit, backstabbing, and most of all lots and lots of money.  Recently we have seen multiple politicians exposed for bribery and violating laws that any "normal" person would be put in jail for. Our very own "elected" President has been exposed for taking bribes from our enemies. His kid exposed for multiple drug felonies, gun violations and tax evasion and yet still not locked up.  Another Democratic congressman was exposed for taking bribes and was found with money, gold bars, and other "benefits" in his house, yet he walks free too.  Mainly the media is focused on Donald Trump and his "trial" as they feel his business dealings were felonious and he attempted to cite and insurrection, neither of which happened.  But this is the void they live in.  Career politicians are excused for shitty behavior while the everyday man is locked up for minor offenses.  In spite of his money Trump is the everyday man.  He should be looked at by every American as the example of how the corrupt system will stop at nothing to silence you if you don't "play the game" and go along with the status quo.  This should scare every single American.  If both sides of the political coin can do anything and everything to lock up a billionaire for doing nothing worthy of criminal charged imagine what they can do to you.

It has become clear to me in recent months the only way out of the void is to turn towards faith.  Whatever your faith turn towards your God and follow the examples outlined in scripture.  Step outside of yourself and do for others before yourself.  Take pride in your work and establish a great work ethic.  Do what is right no matter how difficult it might be.  Don't Netflix and chill, take time for courtship and find your lifelong love.  Have babies and raise a family. The only way evil can triumph is for good men do nothing.  Find a way out of the void you are living in and move someone else to do the same.  Be the pebble which makes ripples in your small pond and in time all the ripples will have a major impact!  

I for one am working to find my way out of the void I have been in.  Trying to find a way to have a positive impact on my surroundings.  I encourage you to do the same.

Play ball or get cancelled

 The past few weeks America has fallen further from sanity and deeper into the chaos the left loves.  Jason Aldean released a song back in May called "Try That In A Small Town" and it was played on country radio County Music TV and all other platforms.  There was no issue whatsoever.  As with many country artists Jason Aldean is patriotic and hates what is happening in America.  Last week the leftists and cry babies "discovered" this song on Youtube and lost their minds. They immediately called it a lynching anthem, racist, right wing extremism and any other negative connotation they could label it.  In response CMT removed the video from their station.  So what was so offensive? In it Aldean "features clips of Black Lives Matter protests interspersed with footage of crimes--including an apparent convenience store robbery, a carjacking and depictions of people setting American flags on fire." The other major talking point was that it was filmed in front of the Maury County Courthouse in Columbia, TN.  In 1927 that was the site where an 18 year old black man was lynched after he was accused of assaulting a white girl.  Along with the images the left referenced the lyrics in the song.  The most quoted are:

Cuss out a cop, spit in his face
Stomp on the flag and light it up
Yeah, ya think you're tough
Well, try that in a small town
See how far you make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own.


Full of good ol' boys, raised up right
If you're looking for a fight
Try that in a small town. 

To me these lyrics are simple, well delivered and speak to the heart of small town America. As I have travelled and moved throughout the country I have personally seen small town life and know for a fact violent crime, car theft, riots, etc just don't happen.  And the reason is because these small towns have a sense of community and culture. They have a strong sense of faith and hold strong Christian values. And if someone in the town attempts to hurt one of their townspeople they are immediately stopped. In small towns people care about one another. So the left demanded CMT remove the video and strongarmed them into doing just that. 

So what "consequences" did Aldean suffer? That single became the #2 on the billboard charts and his Youtube was flooded with views and supporters. He has gained more fans and nothing has been more beneficial for this single.  The left seemed shocked.  But why would they be, the videos and songs they promote glorify violence, sexual assault, violent crime, and all kinds of other hideous things.  One of the most popular songs in Rap is by an artist called King Von called "robberies." This was a posthumous release as he has passed away. The left says it tells a riveting story and is powered by a chilling instrumental. In the song he talks about jacking (robbing) people so he can pay his rent. The lyrics are:

I keep a stick like a violin
I got the call and jumped up like a fireman (Zoom)
It wasn't too hard for me findin' 'em
I went to school with 'em
Know where his mama live
He was playin' that Lucci that Summerhill
I cooked up slow in that Bonneville
They call me... when I'm off the pill
Run up to his car made him grab the wheel
I grabbed his neck like I'm Iron Man
Just do what I say no you don't want to die here

Oh man what amazing lyrics!  I mean it is obvious this guy is speaking for the truth in music.  If you believe that you have not been reading my blog.  I am a huge Hip Hop head and love Rap music of all kinds.  This is just crap.  It glorifies robbing and threating to kill someone.  So why is this acceptable by the left and Aldean's song is not?  The answer is much simpler than you might think, it fits their narrative.  They want people to become desensitized to violence.  They want Patriotism and the American way of life to disappear.  This is the ultimate goal.  So what can we do about it?  Support businesses who hold American values, destroy businesses who don't (looking at you Bud Light), and most of all stand for what is moral and Godly.  Our country is not too far gone and more and more Americans are standing up and saying enough.  Lets support our Military and law enforcement.  LEt support local business and our local communities.  If we stand as Americans nothing can stop us and we can maintain our status as the lone super power in the world!  Play ball or get cancelled?  I say CANCEL THIS!

What we've got here is failure to communicate


The title of this blog come directly from the song by Guns and Roses called Civil War, hence the graphic here.  In a lot of my blogs I have talked about the events happening in America the last three years that are leading us directly to the next civil war.  Lines are being drawn and citizens are being divided on every single thing.  In this blog I wanted to look at what the "elite" are doing to maintain their power and grip on everyday Americans.

Lets take this all the way back to 2020.  In 2020 we saw the rise of Covid-19.  The government made the decision to lock everyone down who they didn't deem "essential." So who did they choose to remain open, big corporations, chain restaurants, weed shops, and liquor stores.  The local small to mid-size businesses were forced to shudder their doors and stop paying employees.  I thought for many months why they did that.  The conclusion I came to was the ones left open either donated to the political campaigns, were friends of the "elites" or it was a business which would aid in the destruction of people. Companies like Wal-Mart and Amazon made billions of dollars during the 2-year lock down period.  More and more Americans developed mental health issues and addiction due to the access of the "essential" businesses.  Suicide and domestic violence rates skyrocketed. This led to the idea there was a bigger plan in place.  During this same time, we saw a massive movement known as BLM.  This movement started as protests against police violence against black people.  What happened very quickly was these "peaceful" protests devolved into violent arson and attacks against white people and police officers.  We saw entire blocks of Seattle taken over by warlords and had zero ability to provide medical care or safety for citizens in that area.  That failed quickly as expected and eventually it was restored to sanity.  The racial division was radicalized by mainstream media and glorified by the same politician who pushed the lockdowns.  That went on for months and what was the end result?  Police officers being attacked and killed, minority businesses being burned to the ground, and minority communities left in ruins.  Were the elites hurt by this? No.  The people most affected were the ones those same elites encouraged to commit the violence.  This was their way of dividing us further.

After the racial divide was present the next move was to pit the vaxxed and un-vaxxed against one another.  We saw people on both sides being attacked verbally and physically for choosing to wear a mask or not.  We heard calls from leaders and media that people needed to report their neighbors if they didn't follow mask mandates to local authorities for "reeducation." We have seen the same kinds of "reeducation" happening in China with the Uyghur population and also in Nazi Germany.  The tools used by dictators and communists alike is reeducation of the masses or death.  Is that really what we want to become?  This divide crossed into Patriots vs the left.  Patriotic Americans were labeled racist and white nationalist.  It became a case of us vs them.  In the end we saw even further division of Americans.  The difference with this attempt was most Patriotic Americans are gun advocates and will not let the removal of liberties stand.  So how could the "elites" get what they want in removal of guns from these Americans? The solution is something we see to this day, glorify mass shootings and use the weapons the a-holes use against the people to push for gun control.  At first the method was to claim any AR-15 was an assault weapon or weapon of war.  The pushback was educating people of the weapons and how it was a semi-automatic meaning one trigger pull, one shot. Not the fully automatic death machines the media throws on the news nightly.

And finally, this week we saw the House of Representatives hold a committee hearing to address Hunter Biden taking money from foreign governments.  In this hearing the Republicans were asking FBI whistleblower pertinent questions about the investigation. When it was the Democrats turn each and every one of them called out Donald Trump, injustice against minorities and other far left talking points. None of what they talked about had anything to do with the matter being discussed.  Then the next hearing was about censorship in social media.  The first witness was Democratic Senator Robert Kennedy Jr.  He was called to the hearing to discuss his own social media accounts being throttled and censored. As he began to speak the representative from the Virgin Islands immediately spoke over him and refused to let him talk.  She continued to the point of the leader of the committee telling her to stop censoring his speech and let him talk!  After the hearing all of the Democrats said the same lines to media question.  They said things like "He was free to say whatever he wanted, wherever he wanted, except in this chamber" or "We were not going to let him spread misinformation" and "He was spreading lies in committee." So what do these two things have in common?  They both involve high level government officials being involved in FBI matters and censorship of opposing views.  We have also seen this with former President Trump.  The left is still committed to putting him in jail, silencing his voice and preventing him from ever winning the Presidency again.  

To conclude this blog I want to compare what I have discussed with things like Nazi Germany, Pol pot, and other communist/socialist leaders.  In each and every case the format was the same.  Divide the populace into an us vs them scenario, remove the citizens ability to defend themselves, have citizen turn in their family and friend for "disobedience" and finally remove the rights of free people to vote for their leaders. This is when a civil and free society fails to exist.  We have seen the pattern repeat throughout history and it never ends well.  I fully believe it is the left and liberals plan to make America another third world dictatorship and drive us into poverty.  That way they will be the only ones with wealth and food.  When this begins to happen, I also fully believe that the Patriotic Americans will once again rise up and say no to the tyrannical takeover of the greatest country ever in the history of the world!

Debates, Elections and Indictments oh my

Why as this year flies by do I feel more and more like Dorthy in the Wizard of Oz?  Swept away to some far away land where nothing makes sen...