Normalizing Child Sexualty

    One of the biggest controversies of the week centered around a new Netflix movie called "Cuties".  The basic storyline of this film is about an eleven year old girl who was raised in a strong conservative family who joins a twerking dance crew called cuties.  So why would this be a big deal?  Well the director said this movie was made to inspire people to think about the negatives of sexualizing children.  The problem is he makes the statement by creating a movie sexualizing young girls!  But this film brings to light a much larger topic and one I feel quite strongly about, sexualizing children and pedophilia, both of which I am avidly against.  As I think back the first instance this was brought into the mainstream was the show about child beauty pageants called Here comes Honey Boo Boo.  This show highlighted the negative side of beauty pageants by showing a family who encouraged their daughter to participate.  But the negative side was unintentional as it was a reality show that was intended to show how great it was.  As many expected it turned into complete chaos and the mother ending up with a pedophile boyfriend, big shocker right!  

    More recently a popular cartoon called "Big Mouth" hit the air waves.  It is a show about adolescence and puberty.  While the show is gear and created for adults many kids have begun to watch it.  The problem here is the show talks about very adult topics like masturbation, adult sexual situations, and many more adult themes.  I think it is quite disgusting that a cartoon has been created which discusses these things.  The main reason is  being, while it is intended for adults the creators have to know many children will be drawn to it and thus ingest the themes discussed.  I do not blame the creators entirely as parents need to be responsible as well for what their kids are watching.  

    So back to this new movie, why would Netflix feel the need to allow such a movie on their platform.  Once again many kids have access to Netflix and freedom to watch whatever they want.  So naturally the name and picture chosen, which showed 4 pre-teen girls in sexualized poses.  At one time I was a pre-teen male and know that would have caught my eye and maybe made me want to watch it.  But that demographic is not the one that concerns me the most.  The adult men who get off on pre-teens girls would 100% watch this movie.  They would not get the spirit of it that the director wanted but instead would get sexual gratification watching it.  And the mainstream media sources like Netflix seem to think it is fine to normalize this.  Yes the Qanon movement is a deep conspiracy movement which believes that the rich and powerful are all pedophiles so that is why this stuff is being normalized.  The more instances of things like this that come out only further these peoples beliefs.  

    Something else we have seen recently is the move to include the pedophiles in the LGBTQ+ movement as they say it is also another form of love.  On a positive note the LGBTQ people have rejected this entirely.  Most people I have seen are avidly against this as well.  Why do the pedos feel the need to make this normal?  Are they unaware of the psychological and emotional damage that is done to their victims?  I have seen this first hand and believe me when I say the damage done affects them for a lifetime.  It causes relationships to be consistently unhealthy and in a lot of cases the victims eventually become the abusers.  When a dog attacks a child and injures them we put the dogs down, we don't lock them in a cage for a few years and then let them out while warning the community they move into.  Why can we not treat pedophiles the same way?

I welcome any and all thoughts and ideas so feel free to comment and share!


  1. I dont know where the "movement" started but if I ever see somebody say they are for it, they will definitely be catching these hands! I can PERSONALLY vouche that the trauma lasts a lifetime and affects every single relationship, forever. These people are disgusting. All child abusers should AT LEAST be locked away for life, seeing as how their actions damage a victim for the rest of their life. I also feel the same way for rapists.

    I also agree about the sexulization of children. But at home it shouldn't be taboo, if parents talk to their children about it, young, then if someone ever abuses them they are more likely to speak up. "No adults should ever tell you to keep secrets from us" "if anyone touches you and it makes you feel bad, please tell us" needs to be taught very early. "You can say no to other adults when they make you uncomfortable" "nobody should ever touch you under your shirt or pants". Sex talks are so important and so many parents don't do it!!

    1. I agree about the home talks. Thanks for replying!


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 Wow its been six months since my last post and a lot of things have happened in politics and our country.  Lets start on the right side of ...