How 2020 has turned into 1984


In America Thanksgiving means something.  For some it is a terrible day of oppression and the slaughter of Native Americans.  For others it is a celebration of our freedoms and a time for family and friends to get together and share a great meal and great memories.  But this is 1984, oh sorry I mean 2020, and as we know from all that has happened this year we can not expect anything to go as usual.  In the last month we had an election, which is still not finalized, and the hope of many was that the results would put the Covid-19 risks to rest and allow us to return to normal life, fat chance.

As Thanksgiving has drawn closer we have seen an increase in Governors flexing their political muscle and imposing their will on the citizens in their states.  In NY Gov. Cuomo got into a shouting match with a reporter about the schools closing down again despite the risk being almost non-existent to the children of the NY City school systems.  Gov Newsome in California has imposed lockdown restrictions on his citizens, closing businesses, and forcing curfews at night.  I watched a video today of the police in Los Angeles rolling down the street to "enforce" the curfew.  One officer gets out of his armored car and approaches a man in a robe on his front porch.  He tells the man to go inside due to the curfew.  The guy says something about it being his front porch at which point the officer tackles him and shouts he is under arrest for violating the Gov's curfew order.  THE GUY WAS ON HIS FRONT PORCH!  In Pennsylvania the governor put an order in place closing stores and also prohibiting alcohol sales after 5pm tomorrow.  Does any of this seem like Big Brother from 1984 is actually happening here in 2020?

You may be asking Why should I care?  Well it is simple, the governors are taking away the freedom we are preparing to celebrate!  We as Americans should have the freedom to go to a store to buy food for the celebration, booze to drink, and other supplies you may need in your home.  How many freedoms will we give up before it is to late?  Well I did see a business owner in Boston who had police come into his business and try to close him down.  They said he was in violation of the shut down order issues by the Gov.  He told them who reported him because he is lawfully allowed to confront his accuser.  They refused to answer and he then told them to leave his business and if they wanted to shut him down to come back with a warrant!  What did the cops do? They left.  They realized they had no authority to tell this guy he could not be in his business.  That is exactly how we need to handle this tsunami of authoritarian control.  

1984 was a work of fiction, 2020 is not.  We are being restricted in tiny steps more and more.  It started with lockdowns in March, then went into mandatory mask wearing, then we were told we couldn't worship at churches while thousands rioted in the streets, and now we have come full circle and lockdowns are immanent again.  If the lockdowns worked the first time why is it needed again?  If it didn't work why are we doing it again?  The answer is simple, authoritarians trying to usurp our constitutionally given rights.  They want us to Never Trust Your Own Eyes, Believe What You Are Told.

Nobody is born racist


    My entire life has been a lie.  Until recently I had been taught that everyone was striving to fight racism and create equality for all.  I did not realize that the entire time I myself had been racist.  Sure in my past a majority of my friends and all of my love interests have been white.  But more recently I married a black female and now have a bi-racial stepson.  It wasn't until I dove into their culture did I discover a system of oppression and racism that I had been blind to.  In the past two years I have learned that because I am a white male I am racist, sexist, and all the phobics you can list.  I was shocked to learn that although I have never looked down on a person of a different skin color than myself or tried to prevent them from success I had been secretly racist the whole time!  It wasn't until I started paying attention to the protests and riot that I found out racism was only a "white issue" and my silence had been violence toward people of color.  I was raised to not see a person for the color of their skin but see them for the content of their character, I guess the person that I learned that from forgot to tell me if I was white I would never be able to look past the color of someone's skin.  I never realized that by being white and working my ass off for the success I have I was holding someone else back.  So I guess it is time to just say Hello my name is Racist.

    As ludicrous as that paragraph sounds that is exactly what the educational system is teaching young people.  From K-12 kids are being told that white people are racist because the system they were born into makes them that way.  White kids are being taught to hate their own skin color and feel guilty for things they may or may not feel inside themselves.  They are being told if they don't think they are racist it is because they are lying to themselves and refuse to admit it.  If they admit it then well they are racist.  White kids are being told they need to ask for forgiveness from their classmates of color for acts their ancestors may or may not have committed.  When I was a kid I only asked my classmates to trade my Oreos for some fruit snacks, which I guess was racist because I was trying to ensure the black kid had Oreos so they would know on the inside they were white just like me!  I find it personally appalling that we are raising generations of people to feel less than so another race can be raised out of a false sense of inferiority.  

    So what can we do to avoid being racist?  If you are white, nothing.  You were born into it.  You were born with racist genes and nothing you can do will overcome that.  If you are a minority you can do nothing to overcome racism either because the system is rigged against you from the start because it was created by old racist white men who created this country on the backs of your people.  You are starting from a position of inferiority and for every step a white person takes you will need to take 10 just to make up ground, but don't think there is a chance you will ever get to the same level because all of the companies are racist too.  I guess when I look at it there is nothing anyone can do to avoid being or being held back by racism.  The only solution is to burn down the very foundation of our country and start over.  Racism can only be defeated by allowing the under represented to tear it all down and rebuild it so they can avoid the pitfalls of our past.  Only by building it their way can we avoid any sense of inequality.  Or maybe that would just create a system of inequality towards the very people they claim have oppressed them for so long.

    Until we fully embrace the ideal that all men and women are created equal and stop blaming another race for problems within our own cultures can we begin to overcome racism and all the baggage that comes with it.  MLK did not say judge a person by their skin color, he said judge them by the content of their character.  Yes there are racists in the word and America.  Yes Racist come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.  Yes a majority of us are not racist in any way shape or form.  In the end until we realize that last fact nothing is going to change.  For POC they need to stop being taught that white people are out to get them or hold them back.  White people need to stop being taught they are inherently racist.  And all of us need to remember we live in the most free country in the world.  There is nothing a person cannot do if they want to in America, that is why so many people immigrate here every year!  The American dream is there for anyone to reach out and grab if they want to.  Some people will have an easier road and some will struggle but every single person that wishes to succeed will.  Stop placing barriers on yourself and blaming everyone else for your problems.  

Pick my candidate!

Driving into work today I heard that Joe Biden was being urged to name Bernie Sanders Secretary of Labor and Elizabeth Warren Secretary of Treasury.  I thought to myself "could they want any worse candidate for those positions?"  Bernie is an avid supporter of socialist labor policies aka everyone gets the same pay for unequal work.  And Elizabeth Warren is a lifelong politician with zero credentials in the financial sector.  So I wanted to write this blog and make what I consider the "best" candidate suggestions based on the logic presented here.

Secretary of State- Ilhan Omar.  My reason is simple, she has had many foreign contacts and spent millions of dollars supporting foreign countries.  She would obviously make a good Secretary of State because why wouldn't Muslim countries sit down with a Muslim female and allow her to appoint American diplomats.  Also she wants no borders so the part of the job dealing with immigration would be non-existent. 

Secretary of Treasury- Lets stick with Warren here.  She demands increasing taxes on the rich (except her friends), hasn't worked to get a balanced budget approved ever, and she could push us ever closer to a one world currency.

Secretary of Defense- For this one I say Chelsea Manning.  He/She has shown in the past the desire for transparency in the military and that is just what we need to give the world, a complete view into our military affairs.  On top of it all it would finally give the trans community the representation they have been prevented for so long.

Attorney General- For this I say it is time we move away from trained lawyers, lets bring in Bob Odenkirk aka Saul from Breaking bad.  If you have seen the show you know he can make amazing decisions which always work out in his favor.  Who better to be the attorney General!

Secretary of Labor- Lets keep ol Bernie here.  The guy is all about equal workplaces and unions.  He wants everyone to get the same pay even if the work is not equal.  I see why they are pushing this guy for this positions.  

Secretary of Energy- This one is easy, AOC.  Have you read the Green New Deal?  If not you should it is only 14 pages and will have us on all renewable energy by 2030 and make the world instantly better.  Puppies and rainbows!

Secretary of Education- Elmo.  Simple answer here.  He teaches about the abc's and 123's. 

Secretary of Homeland Security- So this one is a little harder but I say lets build unmanned border patrol agents like something out of Terminator.  That way we can get rid of this position and secure our borders.

As you can see I have made some amazing picks!  Tell me who you would choose or if you agree with my picks.

Thomas Jefferson: Anti-Slavery Founding Father


    When I was in school I hated learning about history.  I found it boring and not needed in our society at the time.  As I have grown older I have stood and fought for our founding fathers with an understanding they were not perfect but were intent on creating a country that was close to perfect.  Recently we have seen our founding fathers labeled as racists.  I was watching an interview this morning with Glenn Beck.  He had all kinds of amazing documents that Blaze TV has purchased and is compiling into an archive of historical documents for use in research and such.  One of the documents he showed during this interview really stood out and caught my attention, it was an early draft of the Declaration of Independence.  In the 4 page document there are a few things that I was never taught because the Declaration as I know it did not contain them.  In it Thomas Jefferson has an entire paragraph about slavery.  Here is what the paragraph states:

"He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.  This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain.  Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce.  And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he has obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed again the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another."

So what does all of that mean?  In this paragraph he is talking about the King of England pushing slavery on the colonies in support of the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade.  As you can see he say the king is "violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither."  This was Thomas Jefferson saying slavery was a war with human nature itself.  He follows it by stating that the king was offering to pay slaves off with their "freedom" if they were willing to take up arms and fight against the colonist insurrection against Him and England.  

So why would I want to bring this up?  It is simple, maybe we as a society have been shown only those things which form a narrative that the educational system wants us to know.  I know my sons have in recent time discussed slavery and how evil our founders were because they supported it.  This original draft disproves all of it!  Out of the 13 colonies only 2 states refused to support that paragraph in the Declaration, Georgia and South Carolina.  The other 11 states agreed with these statements and wanted them to be a part of the document.  For a group of raving racists who hated black people this paragraph certainly does not validate the accusation. 

I had no idea.  But now that I do I have an entirely new perspective on our founding fathers.  I want to see the original documents so I can read an interpret them for myself.  This one single document has opened my mind and given me an entirely new look on history.  I hope some people read this and it makes them desire to learn more for themselves.  For reference here is the website I quoted from:

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Break from Politics: Man scaping and Skinny Jeans


    So the company I work for employs a lot of millennials.  As I walk around the office I am constantly passing guys wearing skinny jeans and other items of clothes that look about two sizes too small for them.  Most of them look like a cross between an awkward teenager and Icabod Crane.  In this era of "toxic masculinity", which I firmly believe is crap, I have to wonder what our young men are being taught and shown a when it comes to manliness.  I read a meme once that said "If you have a beard and cannot change a tire, shave".  I laughed out loud because I could not agree more.  If you look back in history a vast majority of great men exemplified what a man is.  They had beards, worked with their hands, could fix anything from cars to houses, and most of all stood up to those who opposed them.

    In our society boys are groomed to believe men can be women, women can be men, and no matter what your parts say you can be whatever you want.  They are also taught that being a man is sexist and a threat to women.  Girls are conversely taught that they don't need men for anything, are the dominant gender, and should be given anything they want or it is sexist.  I firmly believe this is where we as a society began to fail.  From personal experience I can say every woman I have been in relationships with has appreciated the fact I can change tires, do car maintenance, am handy around the house, and also I am in touch with my feelings and not afraid to be vulnerable.  There is nothing wrong with a man being in touch with his feelings, he just shouldn't be a cry baby all the time!

    Most women I have met and become friends with have also expressed to me the shame they are hammered with by other women if they choose to be more traditional.  They are told they are not strong, cannot stand up to men, are a disgrace to women, etc.  Could this new found manliness among women be the reason "There are no good men out there" "All men are dogs" and "Men only want one thing"?  I think that is an absolute accurate reason for these struggles.  Men do not want to date men for the most part.  When gay couples are together they even develop masculine and feminine roles.  This alone should stress the importance of each type of personality.

    Now back to skinny jeans.....What in the actual fuck is that about?  How is that comfortable?  Do you not have any equipment that needs room to breathe?  I do not and will never understand I guess.  For any women that read my blog can you please tell me if this is attractive to you or not?  

    When it comes to manliness we have drifted way away from what I think is functional.  We need to get back to a more traditional upbringing of our kids.  There is nothing wrong with traditional gender roles, they are needed for healthy relationships!  Yes women should also know how to change their oil, change a tire, and be able to do basic life tasks but when they get into a relationship they should not have too!  And yes men should know how to sew, cook, clean, and be willing to share but when they get into a relationship they shouldn't have to!  Don't be afraid to stand on things you believe in no matter what society tells you.  I think the only way we can save our country is this way.  I don't know maybe I am way off here.

Gimme your thoughts!

We have a "winner"


    So just like everything else is the year 2020 the Presidential election was a shit show.  On one side you had the sitting President on the other a 47 year veteran Government work.  It took small states like GA, NC, AZ, and NV 5 days of counting and finding ballots until eventually the "people" elected Joe Biden our 46th President.  Now lets look at this from a realistic perspective and say within the next year it will be President Harris as our 47th President ands first black female President.

    Joe Biden has 47 years of government service as a US Senator and Vice President aka token white guy for Obama.  His record speaks for itself.  He has made policy and advocated for things that have and will ultimately hurt America as a whole.  In this election cycle things were brought to light that show his corruption and ability to give favor to friends and family which made them millions of dollars.  He had allegations of sexual assault.  There is video and pictures of him being super handsy with women and girls for years.  When it came down to it the statement "You ain't black" sums him up.  He feels like your skin color should be why you vote for Democrats.  He doesn't care about anyone else in America except him and his family.  It is disgusting.  But that has been the mode of operations for Democrats since their onset.  

    The reality of it all is that the political machine gives us the illusion of control with our votes.  They choose who gets elected and there is nothing we can do about it.  They use our differences to sow anger and resentment.  This is how they control us.  Truth is Biden is the chosen one this election cycle because he will be easily removed from office so the real players behind the scenes (AOC, Bernie, Nancy, etc) can take the power they know the American public will not grant them.  This is the truth of our political system.  All of them are out for money and power, that is it.  We as Americans can arm ourselves, prepare for anything and stand ready to fight against the tyranny that will be coming.  It is a sad day for America and I pray we survive this new found "Presidency" and all that will come with it.

Same thing we do every night Pinky....


    When I was growing up I used to love cartoons.  At the time the adult humor and innuendo went right over my head.  History has shown that cartoons have a strange way of mimicking real life.  As we roll into election day 2020 I am taken back to one of my favorite cartoons, Pinky and the Brain.  For those who have no idea what I am talking about it was basically a show about two lab rats.  The Brain was the hyper intelligent one who always had a new plan to take over the world.  Pinky on the other hand was a dim witted rat who, to be nice, wouldn't remember to breathe if it was not an automatic reflex by his body.  So every single show these two mice would attempt to take over the world by one nefarious plot after another only to fail in the end and end up right back in the cage they started in.  Funny thing about the cartoon is how much it reminds me of our political system and the hypocrisy of it all.  

    Every 4 years both parties hatch a plan to advance their candidates into various political offices.  With months and months of television advertising, lying, and most of all spending small fortunes these elite people stand atop podiums and tell us how they "know what its like to be us and how they are going to make our lives better"  In the end nothing every changes.  The rich stay rich while the middle and poor classes grow and shrink.  The only thing these politicians do is divide the country into groups and try to tell the group why they need to get their vote.  Each side tells their followers that they are the intelligent group of commoners and the other side is the dumb peasants who know nothing.  While the black and white nature of these comments is meant to empower their base to get to the polls it only divides and hurts people.  Truth is there are intelligent and stupid people in both camps.  

    There is a reason that Donald Trump won in 2016, people were sick of being treated like pawns in this political game.  He represented everything that ran counter to politicians.  While being rich he still represented the common man.  As that election got closer we saw lifelong politicians on both sides lash out at him and try to destroy his character.  But the American people knew what they were getting when they voted him in.  We knew he was brash, loud, and a total spectacle to behold.  But more than that he was NOT a politician.  America came out of the Obama years more divided than ever.  So for all of his first term in office the left has made a point to find reasons to impeach him and remove him from office, all of which in the end showed they were the ones guilty of all they tried to hang on him.  As we move into election night tomorrow we are seeing the same tactics.  Calling him racist, sexist, homophobic, a tyrant and a dictator.  All accusations with no evidence.  On the other hand the right is claiming Joe Biden is unfit for office as well.  The far left has decided to push him across the finish line and then move to radicalize the presidency.  

    No matter what side you are on if you choose not to educate yourself and dig out the actual facts you will be blindly following The Brain and doing as you are told despite The Brain never following through on his empty promises and plans.  I have been thinking a lot the past few days about our future.  For decades African Americans have voted almost exclusively Democrat.  There are states who have voted Republican or Democrat for decades and some have turned into shit hole states due to those policies.  I fear for our future and generations to come.  And as I go to bed tonight the last thing I will hear in my mind is this:

Pinky: What are we going to do tomorrow night Brain?

Brain: Same thing we do every night Pinky, TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

Election season is upon us

 Wow its been six months since my last post and a lot of things have happened in politics and our country.  Lets start on the right side of ...