So all summer I watched cities burn in the name of "social justice" and police reform. The media spend weeks and weeks telling me these riots were "mostly peaceful protests." I would shake my head, laugh and wonder to myself when the extremists on the right would stand up and fight. I wasn't wishing for it or condoning it but I knew it was only a matter of time before the other side used the same tactics to push their view points and try to make a statement. Well it didn't take long into 2021 for my thoughts to become reality. On Jan 6,2021 a large group of Trump "supporters" rallied in Washington to support the President in his election fight. I put supporters in quotes because there is speculation some of them were not true supporters but instead Antifa members who contributed to the BLM riots. I can't say I agree but the speculation is out there. After the President gave his speech they marched to the capitol building and it quickly devolved into a riot. People smashed the doors to the capitol and made their way into the offices of congressional members and even into the chambers of congress. They did not light fires or spray paint the walls with slogans. They committed crimes and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I have always stood by my belief that the media and now big tech are responsible for the division in our country. If you take time and watch 30 min of each news network you can quickly see their biases and it becomes very clear why their "followers" think the way they do.
These biases have led to a very divided country. A country divided by gender, race, religion, ethnicity, and everything else that could make us different from one another. I do think we can save our society and bring unity and peace back into the country but it is going to take people admitting they are short sighted and hold prejudices towards others unfairly. It will take people opening their minds and hearts to the fact we are all human and we are all American. It will take people remembering that the people elected to government offices work for us, they are the public servants not the public rulers.
The people that stormed the capitol had no right to do so. One woman was shot and killed by capitol police. If you watch most major news networks the rioter were right wing Trump supporters who committed insurrection and we cannot possibly let this go on. They also took time to point out in almost every news story how the BLM riots were met with a more well armed police force and the outcome would have been different if the rioters were mostly black and brown people. What they did not point out was the mayor or Washington DC, a black female Democrat, had turned down an offer by the federal government to have national guard support the DC police for this rally. For the BLM rally that support was also offered but she made sure to accept it. So in my opinion the blame falls squarely on her shoulders, but the main stream media will not even mention that, because she is a Democrat and fits their narrative.
In the end there is never a right or justified riot. No matter your cause we are a civilized society and events like the BLM riots and this simply make us hypocrites as both sides point to the others riots and say how they are breaking laws and it isn't right. In both cases people died. In both cases laws were broken. In both cases politicians stood by waiting to pick the bones of the middle and lower class after the battle was over. Today all we are hearing from the Democrats is them blaming Trump and talking about the 25th amendment and impeaching him. In 12 days he will be out of office and the Democrats will spend the next few years desecrating his name and good work while in office instead of working to pass the laws and other things they promised their voters. And that is exactly what is wrong with our system. They are more concerned with saying the right things instead of doing the right things. They are more concerned with increasing their wealth than helping us increase ours.
Do I agree with the riots and storming the capitol? No I do not. Do I understand why the BLM and these riots happened? Yes. The police have no support and are made to stand by and watch the cities burn. Until people realize there is consequences for their actions we will see things like this continue. Until then we can only arm ourselves and hope our neighborhood is not the next one to be targeted.
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