An army of useful idiots

 In today's political culture we find ourselves more divided than ever before.  We place labels and draw lines in the sand.  We have abandoned our faith and embraced an ideology that in no way aligns with the good in the universe.  In 2020 23% of Americans unaffiliated or non-religious, that is seven percent more than the second closest group (Protestants).  36% of adults 18-29 claim no affiliation.  while down from 2016 (38%) the number remains very high and quite disturbing.  Between 2006 and 2016 that number increased from 23% to 38%! So what might be the cause of this loss of faith?

As I ponder this question, I began to think of what changed in our culture.  What have we done differently than all previous years to cause such a drastic increase?  The first thing that comes to mind is the shift in education and what is being taught in schools.  We have seen a drastic rise in CRT and other "woke" concepts.  The idea that America is systemically racist has been plugged into our kids minds for decades now.  The LGBTQIA+ agenda has been hoisted into the limelight and pushed in virtually every form of media.  Kids today are led to question even the most basic of life's realities such as biology.  One in five Gen Z adults identifies with some aspect of the agenda.  In the past decade the percentage of U.S. adults who identify as something other than heterosexual doubled from 3.5% to 7.1%.  Is this because we have fostered an environment where LGBTQ folks are comfortable enough to "come out" or is it that they have been indoctrinated to believe if they feel like they don't fit their bodies they must be something other than their biology?  Teaching acceptance of someone else's views is a great thing and can lead to valuable discussions and an appreciation of different perspectives.  Teaching kids that if they don't feel like themselves as they go through puberty must mean they need to take hormones and go through surgery removing parts of their bodies is not the right path.  In denial of biology the advocates of the LGBTQIA agenda will label anyone who doesn't agree with them a transphobe, homophobe, or some other phobe or ism.  The right label anyone who disagrees with their position groomers or some other pedophile label.  This divides us more and more every day.

The second thing I thought about was the desire to dig our heels in politically.  If you are on the right and support our Constitution and the freedoms it grants you are labelled MAGA and a white supremacist.  If you are on the left and want progressive change you get labelled a communist or socialist.   Our "leaders" choose a side and we have seen the rise of anti-American politicians in the form of the squad.  Congress members speaking in public forums about overthrowing America because we are inherently racist and transphobic.  They advocate for removing the statues of our founding father, changing the curriculum of history to fit the 1619 narrative, and throwing out the Constitution and starting over.  This is 100% the wrong idea.  Do Racists exist, yes in every ethnicity.  Do homophobes exist, yes in every walk of life.  Do white supremacist exist, yes but not in the numbers we are led to believe.  So why would our leaders push narratives that only work to divide us further?

The Super Bowl was yesterday and every single story I watched or background of a player revolved around their race.  We had a black national anthem, 2 black QB's, the legends from each team were all African Americans, we had Rihana perform, and most of the commercials played into the woke agenda.  What does any of that have to do with football?  Nothing.  All of the athletes in the Super Bowl were elite athletes.  The league patronized one minority group as to not be dubbed racist.  It isn't just the NFL either, the NHL had pride night a few weeks ago and teams wore rainbow colored jerseys during the pre-skate to show unity for the LGBTQ agenda.  There was one player who chose to stay in the locker room, just like the BLM athletes, and was drug through the mud and told to "Go back to his country" all because his religion (Russian Ortodox) does not believe in homosexuality.  The NHL patronizing to the LGBTQ agenda was meant to advocate inclusivness and the result was the same "inclusive" people demanding this player bow down or be cancelled.  

The point of this blog is to point out that it isnt one side or the other doing the damage.  Both sides socially and politically  are building an army of useful idiots.  An army of people who will listen to them and repeat the slogans and agenda without educating themselves on the topic.  That is why you see so many slogan, talking point, misinformation and such going around.  People need to take time and hear all sides of the argument and for their own opinions.  On almost every topic you will hear me state my position by saying "In my research" "The statistics show" or "There are studies that say."  What you will rarely if ever hear is "I feel" or "I believe." The lefts arguments come from feelings not facts.  The rights arguments come from "facts" but slanted to their belief.  Very few people actually listen to all sides and form educated opinions.  Do your best to avoid becoming a useful idiot before it is too late!

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