Houston, we've had a problem here

The quote originally said by Jack Swigert on Apollo 13 as the astronauts communicated their discovery of the explosion that crippled their spacecraft to mission control, has been used or paraphrased many times over the years with the most common usage being "Houston, We have a problem" made popular by the movie Apollo 13.  In modern times we rarely have such memorable quotes.  

A few weeks ago I moved back to my home city of Englewood, Colorado. One of the first things that has happened was a shooting at East High school.  A student, who had to submit to daily pat downs before entering school brought a gun to school and when it was found during the search he used it to shoot 2 school officials and later himself.  The immediate cry from Liberals and the Democrats in state govt was to push the new "gun control" bills through immediately.  These new bills add no new safety measures to the existing ones and will do nothing to prevent these kinds of events.  The kid had a made at home or "ghost gun."  One of the bills demands people register these types of guns.  But my problem is how are they going to be registered?  They have no serial numbers, no tracing of being produced, nothing to track or register.  The other thing these gun control advocates seem to forget is most violent gun crimes involve guns not attained legally.  Thus, preventing legal citizens from owning firearms does nothing but create more victims.  Most mass shootings take place in gun free zones.  Why would that be the case?  Well the criminals know there is no good guy with a gun to stop them and they can inflict more damage.  If law enforcement enforced the current laws, we had more armed security at more vulnerable locations and criminals were held accountable we could prevent most of these crimes.  The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

More than the legal means one of the main problems in almost all of these situations is similar to all other issues we have in society, lack of parental guidance.  This includes parents who are disengaged, men not being in the home and being fathers, and lack of teaching kids empathy and compassion for their fellow humans.  The answer to almost all of our societal problems can be solved with three things:

1. Parental involvement

2. Reviving faith in society

3. Teaching kids compassion and empathy

These three things give people every tool they need to survive.  People learn valuable skills and also learn how to care for one another.  It is almost impossible for any human to commit violence against another human if they truly care for humanity and are taught that life matters.  From a young age kids are taught to be selfish and focus only on their pleasure and needs.  How can anyone care for another if they only think of themselves.  For those in poorer communities they are taught they don't matter, why would they care for anyone else if nobody cares about them?  

Teaching faith immediately teaches people life and they matter.  That no matter how alone they feel, they are never alone.  Churches form communities with shared values and beliefs.  Faith teaches humility, love, and service to others.  Why is it that a vast majority of Americans say they have no faith or believe in God?  Because it is taught from early years.  This will lead to nothing but the end of our society as we know it.  

So do I think we have a problem, absolutely.  But it is not what we are being told it is.  We don't have a gun problem in America, we have a compassion problem.  That wont be solved with more laws or taking protection from law abiding citizens, it can only be solved by communities and proper parenting.

There is only one Donald Trump

 Donald Trump tweeted this weekend that he expected to be arrested on Tuesday and urged his followers and fans to protest in New York.  Throughout his Presidency the Democrats tried multiple times to impeach him and every single attempt failed.  From the second he was elected the Democratic leaders stated, "We will impeach him." Problem was he had not been in office for even one minute and they already had the torches and pitchforks out.  Impeachment is supposed to be removal of a sitting President when they do illegal actions while in office!  After all the attempts failed and he left office they began this smear campaign for actions taken as a private citizen.  They raided his personal home, found "classified" documents and tried to arrest him as a threat to America.  Problem was they never did say what kinds of information was such a risk, just a vague "Nuclear launch info" and "Threat to national security."  The Democrats have setup a very risky system of silencing or arresting their political opponents.  We have seen this in the past and it always ends badly.

If Trump gets arrested, we will see a further push to end our country like never before.  The political elites want all the power and authority and the taste they got with Covid only fueled this even more.  We have seen agendas put forward by our sitting President which will ban all semi-automatic weapons, not just "assault" rifles, even though no such thing exists.  He spoke and stated it was semi-auto rifles but when you read the bill it bans all semi-automatic guns.  This includes rifles and handguns (A vast majority of gun owners have both).  Once the government removes our weapons, we will stand no chance.  The 2nd amendment protects our right to bear arms and be able to protect ourselves from tyrannical governments.  

They also have begun laying the groundwork for taking over businesses as we saw this past week with the Silicon Valley Bank being taken over by the feds.  Rising interest rates, tumbling dollar, rising inflation, and our income being taxed to oblivion will cause an economic collapse we have not seen since the great depression.  And what can we a citizens do after our guns are removed and our jobs taken to stop them?  Nothing.  This is what they are trying to do!  And it isn't just the Democrats or Republicans, it is all of them, except Trump.  He stood between their radical ideas and us, why do you think both parties hated him from the very second he was selected in the primary?

So do I think he needs to win the primary and represent the Republicans in 2024, no I do not.  I like Ron Desantis and feel he is Trump Light.  He has the balls of Trump but the political savvy to play politics and not ruffle feathers with 2am tweets.  If you compare California to Florida you can see the economic decisions being made by Newsome and Desantis and there could not be a clearer difference in how those states are running currently.  People are fleeing California and the high taxes, rampant crime, and high cost of living for any other state they can.  Florida on the other hand has seen a huge increase in people moving to the state.  We have seen a strong sense of conservative politics and governance take over that state and people are drawn to that!  At this point even the most avid anti-conservative can deny the fact Florida is just being run better.

In 2024 Americans will have a clear choice, the grey area has been removed and it is a black and white election.  People will have to choose freedom and the Amercian way of life or allowing America to turn into another 3rd world country and giving up everything we hold dear.  We are far from perfect but we are far better than any other country on the planet!

Another break in the action

 Its that time again where I take a break from politics and talk about something else!  So this past week I moved from Tucson, AZ to Denver, CO.  Moving back home has been something I have wanted to do for quite some time and finally had the opportunity to do it.  The entire move is somewhat bittersweet for me.  I am happy to be back home but I leave behind friends and people I have grown to love over the past 12 years.  It gives me a fresh start at my company and a new beginning for many things.  The good outweighs the bad but I am still uncertain about the entire move.  

Tomorrow I start at my new position here and am excited overall.  I hate starting at a new position because my personality can be difficult to get used to.  I have been taken as an asshole when I was really just trying to be funny.  My humor can be dry and I am very straight forward which most people have a hard time dealing with.  Almost every person I have met and told I was very forward and honest tend to not like those things after some time or are offended at the bluntness of that honesty.  So what can I do about that?  I really don't know.  I am trying hard to learn from past mistakes and modify my approach but have yet to master that. 

I watched and shared an interesting video from YouTube today about habit 5 from the book 7 habits of highly effective people.  It states, "Seek first to understand and then to be understood."  That is a skill I really need to work on.  Because of ADHD I usually am thinking 4 or 5 steps ahead of any conversation and not giving the other person my full attention.  I am thinking this is a cause of a lot of the "asshole" issues I have.  If I feel as though I am right or have something to add I jump right in, interrupt and share my thoughts.  I don't do this to be an asshole, if I don't say it when I think it I will lose the thought.  The problem is the other person can think I am not listening at all or am not interested in their opinions or ideas.  That could not be further from the truth.  If they knew how quickly my brain "changes channels" they would understand I may never get that idea or thought back again.  That is the part that sucks.  Do any of you have similar issues?  If so how did you overcome them?

So tomorrow I begin my single life over again.  I am uncertain of my future but am excited to start.  There is still a ton of stuff I need to worry about but at least I am back home.  Colorado has been where my heart has been my entire life.  I love this state and love everything about Denver.  I am going to be writing more music reviews, attending more concerts and finishing up some school work, so I will be super busy.  If you like the blog please share it and check back often for updates!

Election season is upon us

 Wow its been six months since my last post and a lot of things have happened in politics and our country.  Lets start on the right side of ...