In 2008 Christopher Nolan released "The Dark Knight" on the world. In the film Harvey Dent famously says "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." In the film we see his character transformed through the actions of the notorious madman, the Joker. The Joker started this transformation by putting Harvey and his girlfriend and Bruce Wayne's long time friend Rachel in 2 separate locations and forcing Batman into a situation where only one life could be saved. Batman chooses one location and send Commissioner Gordon to the other. Batman arrives at the location in time to save Harvey, although not in time to save his disfigurement, while Rachel is blown to bits. It is at this point Harvey loses grip on reality and becomes two-face, thus becoming a villain. Why is this important to today you might be asking. Well it is simple, we must choose to die a hero or become the villain.
Because of the Covid-19 Pandemic we are constantly being given conflicting and often misleading information which forces us to make daily decisions which is slowly leading us into madness. In March we were told we must lockdown for "15 days to slow the spread." What exactly did that mean? It meant we were to lockdown and slow the spread enough as to not overwhelm our hospital systems, not to prevent us from getting the virus. In the beginning we were also told not to wear a mask because it was ineffective against the virus, now we are told we must wear masks or we are killing people, although the masks do not protect us from getting the virus. The validation I get from some of my friends is "Well we are learning more about the virus so of course the science is changing." So this morning I saw a medical professional from the WHO that was telling us lockdowns do no good and we shouldn't be doing those. Last week we were told to lockdown again because the cases were rising and we needed to avoid mass casualties, even though the statistics do not back that thinking. Yes Covid cases are on the rise, but why? Well we are now doing the most daily testing of any country in the world. That is why. Now is the increase in cases a serious concern, not really. The statistic we need to look at is the fatality rate. That number has been decreasing at the same time the case numbers have increased. This means more people are getting it but less people are dying.
There are so many factors that our Government needs to take into account when making decisions. It isn't simply how many people are sick or dying. Sure those are important numbers but there are social, economic, and mental health factors as well. Since we have been in lockdown we have seen small businesses closed their doors permanently. People who were waiting for them to open back up so they can get back to work now have no work to return to. People who have been out of work without pay have been forced to rely 100% on the Govt stimulus and programs to survive, thus increasing the reliance on welfare and other programs which negatively impact all tax payers. There are families living in incredibly abusive situations. Where school or work would give the abused a break now they are stuck in the house with their abusers 24 hours a day. Alcohol and drug addiction is on the rise leading to many more deaths. Suicide is on the rise due to addictions and the economic impact of it all.
What is the left suggesting we do?
1. Close all schools and stay locked down until we have a cure/vaccine. The timeline for a vaccine has yet to be given and most vaccines take years.
2. Mail-in voting to avoid close contact. Mail-in voting is unreliable and easily manipulated to achieve a certain result. So why might the left want this? They have a candidate who is an empty shell and can use this as a way to fraudulently win an election.
3. Wear masks in every situation. This is just counter productive.
So how do I propose we stop the descent into chaos? 3 simple things:
1. Get back to work/school- We all will have to get this virus and build the antibodies. We cannot sit and wait for a vaccine. Keeping kids at home is not going to provide the best education and most parents are not qualified to teach. As for work well simple economics says people need to get paychecks to pay bills.
2. Keep voting traditional. If we can amass for protests, stand in line for grocery stores, and scream in each others face for not wearing or wearing masks then we can stand in line to vote. Plus it avoid any idea of fraud and the results cannot be delayed to "find" more boxes of votes to achieve a certain result.
3. Stop believing the experts. The "experts" change their minds about as often as the sun shines. Every day it is something that opposes what was said before. Then often days or weeks later that is reversed again.
The left is using the virus as a way to rid us of our system of government. Through spreading of fear and the threat of violence they have successfully placed us in a position where as the government can be the only savior. They alone can save us from our corrupt and evil systems. In 2012 Nolan released his third installment, The Dark Knight Rises. In it we see the villain Bane. He is an agent of chaos who encourages the underprivileged to rise up against the upper class and the rich. 2 of his most famous quotes are ideas that the BLM movement and others embrace and emulate daily. The first is "We come here not as conquerors but liberators, to return control of this city to the people." Sounds eerily similar to what happened in the Seattle CHOP zone. Power was stripped from the police and city and given to the people who occupied the CHOP zone. That zone was immediately taken over by a warlord and martial law as he saw fit was initiated. This is the personification of Bane. His second quote is "The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure." That is a similar rallying cry as the BLM and other Marxist have espoused in the riot and violence we have been witnessing. The end goal for Bane and his accomplices in the film is a complete take over of Gotham and ultimately using the underclass as their pawns in the war. The end goal for the far left is complete take over of the United States while using the underclass as pawns in their war.
In ever instance of Socialism and Marxism we have seen the same storyline. A group stirs the less privileged to rise up against a govt and in the end the goal has always been the same. The rulers get rich and everyone else starves. Yes these two films are entertainment but they both speak to the times of today. So we as Americans must make the choice on elections day of where we stand. You must choose to die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. I for one am going to choose to die a hero. I will fight until that point to save this country that I love. We are Americans. We need to stop highlighting our differences and start highlighting our commonalities. If we do not equality will happen, too bad the equality will be a shared suffering.
It is so sad that we are living where we cannot believe the doctors, but I'll be dammed if I listen to a politician over a doctor, left or right.
ReplyDeleteMail in voting could be swayed either way, by the left or the right. I do agree that if we stand in line at the grocery store we can stand in line to vote. But so many people already vote by mail, are we assuming those are fraudulent votes?
Why is everyone so bothered by the damn masks?! Its literally a piece of cloth over your face. I've been wearing it mandated by my work since the first week of April and I have no issues?? It doesn't stop my breathing, doesn't bother me in the slightest?? If I was carrying it without knowing, and my mask prevents even one person from getting it from me, is that not worth it??? I lost my dad before all this started, and I was angry of the accident that happened. Can you imagine having a loved one die because someone wouldn't wear a mask? My coworker just lost her husband to Corona last week. 160,000(approx) have lost their LIVES just in the United States. I wear my mask in public thinking about how each of those 160,000 had families that are mouring them because no one could agree on what to do. I wear it, (even before "mandated") because I work with the elderly and bringing it into one of those facilities would be devastating (proven so by those Louisiana nursing homes). These people are not expendable. They cannot be replaced when they are gone. Its not political, its the human thing to do.
I personally think the "right vs left" bulls**t needs to end. As you say yes we all have different beliefs and views on things but saying it that way pits us against each other. We are Americans, no matter what side of the isle we stand on. Left is bad, right is equally as bad; both in their own ways. Left is good, right is good; each in their own ways. Where has our humanity gone? There is no respect anymore. Because we can just call each other out online, and block whoever doesn't agree with us.
I guess I'm somewhere stuck in the middle, I definitely lean more "left" but I don't agree wholly with anyone on any side. I don't understand the "*insert political side here* until I die" mentality. I am not going to follow these fake politicians to the grave. They all make mistakes, they should get called on it. Even the ever so precious Trump makes mistakes.
I read an article about how the antibodies we make do not last and that we may be able to get it again (maybe thats just scary "left" propaganda) but definitely a scary thought. We stay home and go broke or we go out and possibly die/kill a loved one. Again idk what the right answer is, seems like nobody does. Which is definitely not helpful for people's mental health.
Your "we all have to get it" mentality is scary for me. It makes me think you're okay with more people dying so we can go back to "normal"? I personally think normal is gone already.
If we don't believe "experts", then who do we believe? The orange man who uses 3rd grade bar graphs, and insults everyone he can? The old senile one who sniffs little girls hair? Lol excuse me if my faith in them is lacking.
I'm not being rude here, that's just my two cents! I still think you're an awesome dude, even though we don't agree!
So I am not necessarily ok with people dying to "get back to normal" I understand that people will die regardless. I too wear a mask when in public and at my job. I think for me it was taking an honest look at eh actual statistic of the death rate. The reality is the rate is much lower than any media outlet portraits it. For people ages 65 and under the death rate is almost non-existent. The number of infected is where I think we would see the largest increase and yes it would lead to some more death but we also see death due to depression, abuse, addictions and other factors. Those people matter as well and those numbers are much higher in the last 6 months. Thanks for the in depth response and I appreciate your perspective!