Introduction to me

    Hey I am James the Independent Libertarian!  So I created this blog to share my political thoughts, thoughts on the craziness in the world, and just my thoughts overall about life.  I was born in the suburban town of Englewood, CO to a middle class white family.  I was raised to work hard, play hard and most of all earn everything I had. I was raised with traditional family values and a strong conservative belief system.  So that is where it all started!

    So with that I want to share some of my basic ideals and values.  First I am a man of faith.  I believe in God and Jesus Christ.  Second I am a very factual guy.  I like numbers and statistics because those things are factual and can allow a solid base for political, social, and economic decisions.  In this blog I will share my view on everything.  So lets start some of my political views.  These topics will be expanded upon ad new blogs written as the world climate changes.  You might ask why world changes matter, well the facts can change my position.  I firmly believe no one should be 100% concrete and not be willing to admit they might have been wrong and change their opinions. With that said here we go:

1. Marriage- I believe in traditional marriage.  I support all forms of relationships but do believe that marriage is ordained by God.  I think the Govt should stay out of the marriage debate entirely.  

2. Racism- Someone said a few weeks ago "America is racist". This caused me to examine where I stand on this.  I believe there are racists in America because of our freedoms but I do not believe America itself is racist.  I also believe racism is not a white only problem.  I think any race can be racist.

3. Taxes- I am a firm flat tax conservative.   I believe all workers regardless of their position, wage, etc. should be required to pay at a minimum a 10% tax on all wages.  That is it.  No sales taxes, death tax, social security tax, etc.  

4.Term limits- I believe a term limit should not only apply to the Presidency.  Congress should also be held to a term limit so we can avoid lifelong congress people.  We have current Senators and House members who have been in their seats for decades!  The world has changed greatly since these people have been in their positions.  Their view of the world was formed in the 40's 50's and 60's.  How can that possibly apply to todays world?

5. Military- Prior US Navy member here, enough said.

6. Border- I believe we need a strong border wall and a broader scope for our border patrol.  If we cannot protect our country and hold immigration standards we cannot effectively manage any other part of our system.

7. Protests- I believe all Americans have the right to peaceful protest.  Not the riots, looting, and arsons we are currently seeing.

    So those are some basics.  But I plan to cover a ton more topics and hope some people will follow my journey and hopefully participate.  If you do enjoy my blog please share a link and get my subscribership up!


  1. Have you watched the Netflix documentary series that just came out about immigration? I think its worth watching whether you agree with it or not!

  2. I'm excited to read and comment! Hope you'll reply and educate me if I'm wrong, and research what I say if you're wrong (:

    1. I am definitely open to researching anything if I am wrong. I think my views are def not concrete but more formed and willing to be reshaped!


Election season is upon us

 Wow its been six months since my last post and a lot of things have happened in politics and our country.  Lets start on the right side of ...