Liberalism is the politics of the poor

A few weeks ago I was listening to a podcast and the host made a very interesting observation.  When discussing the policies of Democrats and Republicans he said "Democrats are the party of the poor and Republicans are the party of the rich".  He went on to elaborate that because of this it influences the policies of the political parties.  Mainly that for Democrats to be elected they need to enact policies that keep a large enough population poor to allow them to continue to win elections.  Republicans on the other hand tend to want people to gain wealth and prosperity and become rich.  Thus both parties pass laws which allow their voter base to thrive.  So why is this important?  In my view I want to become wealthy.  I want to be able to retire and live comfortably.  I want to keep a large portion of my income and limit the amount that gets taken from me.  With that in mind why would I support Democratic or Liberal politics?  I don't see the benefit of keeping people poor and desperate.  Yet we see liberal policies which encourage people to rely heavily on the government for their own sustainment.  Liberals tend to push sweeping government programs that give the down and out everything they need instead of helping them grow out of that need.  Conservatives tend to pass legislation which enables people to have support while also gaining skills and knowledge to stop using govt assistance after some time.

    Covid-19 has given us a very real look at these policies in action.  As more and more people were furloughed from their jobs due to the lockdowns we saw a huge rise in the need for welfare, food stamps, etc.  The main problem with the CARE act is a lot of people that were approved for assistance found they were making more on the govt aid than they were making working full time at a job.  President Trump this past weekend signed four separate executive orders.  One of these reduced the unemployment payments from $600/week to $400/week.  This is important because that $200 difference will encourage people to get back into the workplace and stop relying on govt assistance.  The Liberals and Democrats were pushing for an increase in this payment to something above $600/month.  That would have made going back to work for a large majority of Americans less economical and thus keeping them at home.  Nothing about Covid-19 is easy as far as decision making goes.  Of course as a conservative I want people to earn their pay and thrive economically.  I also as an independent want to show charity and make sure people are supported and have the things they need with minimal risk of catching the virus.  So what is the solution?

    The last thing I wanted to take a look at is the conspiracy that the Covid-19 virus, lockdown, and continued debate was created by people who support all Liberal positions.  Meaning they support higher minimum wages, more welfare support, and most of all the removal of Donald Trump and all others who oppose their views.  For three and a half years we have seen the left wing politicians like Pelosi, Schumer, and others try to find any reason to get Trump out of office.  Immediately after he won the election several prominent Democrats stated they had enough for an impeachment, not sure how as impeachment usually is for actions taken while in office.  Then it was Russian collusion, turns out the Russians were working with the Obama Admin to aid Hillary.  Then they pivoted to Ukraine.  A phone call which in the end tuned out to be a dead end.  Then came racial unrest at the beginning of this year.  All of which I feel were done or being done to get Trump out.

    As a country we need to Unite as Americans.  The things I have seen Trump do don't divide us they have been done to unite us.  His twitter posts most definitely should be vetted prior to being posted but on the world stage he has made us stronger than we have been in a long time.  I am all for policies which enable more of us to become wealthy and enable people to get off of the reliance on big daddy government.  The more power we as Americans give to them the less ability we will have to take it back.  A govt which keeps the poor down to further political ambitions is a govt which will ultimately fail.  In all countries where socialism or communism has been tried it has failed.  Not because it wasn't done right but simply because the system only works when the rich elites stay in power and create a destitute population who doesn't know anything other than the govt putting food on their tables.  If anyone doubts that is the case I say find someone you know who comes from Cuba, Argentina, or any of the many socialist nations and ask them about their experience. I am going to guess a majority if not all of them will say that system and the system currently being pushed by Liberals and Democrats is not the way to go.  Once again I ask Why would I go with a system which is the politics of the poor aka Liberalism?


  1. Trump does not unite us. Not in the slightest. Has he done good things? Sure. But uniting us? Absolutely the opposite on my opinion. I read his posts/ watch him in his briefings?? I personally don't understand how anyone can read/watch him and be like "Yes that's our president!!" Baffles me. But to each his own.

    Crazy how out of the millions of people in this country Trump and Biden were the best we could come up with?! Again, baffles me.

    1. I have to disagree here. I think the media and how they show any President divides the country. IT is not so much what he tweets as much as the policies and executive orders he is passing. We have seen a huge increase in black republicans since he took office. If we could get more than 1 media source that positively highlights what is being done we might notice the good things more. Before Obama we were more United than ever. His policies had a huge negative impact despite his slogan of "hope". Black America took a huge hit under a democratically controlled congress and Obama. IT was sad to watch how horrible his policies effected that community. Should Trump be more centrist on his Americanism, sure. Thanks for the reply!


Election season is upon us

 Wow its been six months since my last post and a lot of things have happened in politics and our country.  Lets start on the right side of ...