What exactly is a Libertarian Independent Pt 2!

    Back for part 2 of the Libertarian platform and why I call myself a Libertarian Independent!  So part 2 of the Libertarian platform is all about economic security.  As with Part 1 I am going to post the sections and then agree or disagree with all or part of each one.  There are 3 sections so 3 parts to this series of posts.  BUt the blog itself will not be at all like this, I am simply laying the foundation so those who may read future posts can understand where I am coming from.  So here we go! 

2.0 ECONOMIC LIBERTY: Libertarians want all members of society to have abundant opportunities to achieve economic success. A free and competitive market allocates resources in the most efficient manner. Each person has the right to offer goods and services to others on the free market. The only proper role of government in the economic realm is to protect property rights, adjudicate disputes, and provide a legal framework in which voluntary trade is protected. All efforts by government to redistribute wealth, or to control or manage trade, are improper in a free society.

The main thing to take away for the original statement here is this "The only proper role of government in the economic realm is to protect property rights, adjudicate disputes, and provide a legal framework in which voluntary trade is protected.  And I definitely agree that redistribution of wealth is improper in a free society.  Nobody should take from another and give to someone else.

2.1 Property and Contract: As respect for property rights is fundamental to maintaining a free and prosperous society, it follows that the freedom to contract to obtain, retain, profit from, manage, or dispose of one’s property must also be upheld. Libertarians would free property owners from government restrictions on their rights to control and enjoy their property, as long as their choices do not harm or infringe on the rights of others. Eminent domain, civil asset forfeiture, governmental limits on profits, governmental production mandates, and governmental controls on prices of goods and services (including wages, rents, and interest) are abridgements of such fundamental rights. For voluntary dealings among private entities, parties should be free to choose with whom they trade and set whatever trade terms are mutually agreeable.

So I agree here.  The govt has no place to tell someone what they can and cannot do on their own property as long as the activities do not infringe on the rights of others or do harm to others.  The govt should not be allowed to take ones property unless the person has violated these terms.  Yearly property taxes are complete crap, when you purchase a home you pay taxes, that should be it.

2.2 Environment: Competitive free markets and property rights stimulate the technological innovations and behavioral changes required to protect our environment and ecosystems. Private landowners and conservation groups have a vested interest in maintaining natural resources. Governments are unaccountable for damage done to our environment and have a terrible track record when it comes to environmental protection. Protecting the environment requires a clear definition and enforcement of individual rights and responsibilities regarding resources like land, water, air, and wildlife. Where damages can be proven and quantified in a court of law, restitution to the injured parties must be required.

I think this is true.  Private land owners most definitely have a vested interest in maintaining the natural resources.  The govt has a terrible track record and should be held accountable if proof of wrongdoing is there.

2.3 Energy and Resources: While energy is needed to fuel a modern society, government should not be subsidizing any particular form of energy. We oppose all government control of energy pricing, allocation, and production.

I also agree here.  The gas prices are a perfect example of how prices are more influenced by govt regulation than the actual market.  

2.4 Government Finance and Spending: All persons are entitled to keep the fruits of their labor. We call for the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution. We oppose any legal requirements forcing employers to serve as tax collectors. We support any initiative to reduce or abolish any tax, and oppose any increase on any tax for any reason. To the extent possible, we advocate that all public services be funded in a voluntary manner.

So this one is a little more complex for me.  while I understand that taxes are needed to help fund our govt I do not agree with the current tax system.  As it stand now a majority of Americans pay no taxes, meaning people pay taxes to the govt all year and then get a fat tax return come tax time.  Leaving the govt funding to the small percentage who cannot get a tax return.  I believe in a 100% flat tax.  This means 100% of workers pay a flat tax of say 10-15%.  No one gets a return.  By doing this the govt would have more than enough funds to handle their business.

2.5 Government Debt: Government should not incur debt, which burdens future generations without their consent. We support the passage of a “Balanced Budget Amendment” to the U.S. Constitution, provided that the budget is balanced exclusively by cutting expenditures, and not by raising taxes.

We should require the govt to give us a balanced budget for all the spending.  Why should we as citizens be forced to budget to survive?  The govt should be held to these standards as well.

2.6 Government Employees: We favor repealing any requirement that one must join or pay dues to a union as a condition of government employment. We advocate replacing defined-benefit pensions with defined-contribution plans, as are commonly offered in the private sector, so as not to impose debt on future generations without their consent.

I am completely against unions.  I think when they were created there was a need.  But now they are so corrupt the only people that benefit are the higher ups in the unions.  The everyday workers get screwed from them and the employer in most cases.  I also agree with the idea of forcing govt workers to have a private retirement account.  Mostly we see this with upper govt like congress, a congress person get a lifelong pension even if they only serve a small amount of time.

2.7 Money and Financial Markets: We favor free-market banking, with unrestricted competition among banks and depository institutions of all types. Markets are not actually free unless fraud is vigorously combated. Those who enjoy the possibility of profits must not impose risks of losses upon others, such as through government guarantees or bailouts. We support ending federal student loan guarantees and special treatment of student loan debt in bankruptcy proceedings. Individuals engaged in voluntary exchange should be free to use as money any mutually agreeable commodity or item. We support a halt to inflationary monetary policies and unconstitutional legal tender laws.

Not too much for me here as I haven't dealt with any of this so I have no stance.  The one aspect I do agree is the govt falsely inflating our currency.  That is only good for the govt.

2.8 Marketplace Freedom: Libertarians support free markets. We defend the right of individuals to form corporations, cooperatives and other types of entities based on voluntary association. We oppose all forms of government subsidies and bailouts to business, labor, or any other special interest. Government should not compete with private enterprise.

100% agree here.  Businesses should thrive or fail on their own.  NO bailouts for anyone.

2.9 Licensing: Libertarians support the right of every person to earn an honest and peaceful living through the free and voluntary exchange of goods and services. Accordingly, we oppose occupational and other licensing laws that infringe on this right or treat it as a state-granted privilege. We encourage certifications by voluntary associations of professionals.

So I disagree with the idea of banning occupational licensing.  Those regulations keep people safe and are needed.

2.10 Sex Work: The Libertarian Party supports the decriminalization of prostitution. We assert the right of consenting adults to provide sexual services to clients for compensation, and the right of clients to purchase sexual services from consenting sex workers.

As I stated yesterday I think this should be allowed.  The only caveat would be the mandatory health screening to prevent spreading of disease.

2.11 Labor Markets: Employment and compensation agreements between private employers and employees are outside the scope of government, and these contracts should not be encumbered by government-mandated benefits or social engineering. We support the right of private employers and employees to choose whether or not to bargain with each other through a labor union. Bargaining should be free of government interference, such as compulsory arbitration or imposing an obligation to bargain.

This is how business should be done.  If you agree to work for a certain amount of money then do it.  We see some people find out others who do the same job get paid more and then voice discontent and demand higher pay.  Lack of negotiating skill is not a valid reason to demand more.  If a business underpays employees they will lose employees and eventually lose their business, that is the free market.

2.12 Education: Education is best provided by the free market, achieving greater quality, accountability, and efficiency with more diversity of choice. Recognizing that the education of children is a parental responsibility, we would restore authority to parents to determine the education of their children, without interference from government. Parents should have control of and responsibility for all funds expended for their children’s education.

When it comes to education I think a parent should be free to send their child to a school of their choosing.  School vouchers would help less economically privileged kids get to better schools.  Failing schools should be allowed to fail and close.  Standards for teachers should be higher and they should get paid more for those skills.  I also feel the classroom is not a place for political teaching, unless it is a government class!

2.13 Health Care: We favor a free market health care system. We recognize the freedom of individuals to determine the level of health insurance they want (if any), the level of health care they want, the care providers they want, the medicines and treatments they will use and all other aspects of their medical care, including end-of-life decisions. People should be free to purchase health insurance across state lines.

So let me start by saying health care is not a right.  Here the statement "the freedom of individuals to determine the level of health insurance they want (if any)" is absolutely correct.  I also agree purchasing across state lines should be allowed and it would encourage a more equitable system.

2.14 Retirement and Income Security: Retirement planning is the responsibility of the individual, not the government. Libertarians would phase out the current government-sponsored Social Security system and transition to a private voluntary system. The proper and most effective source of help for the poor is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals. We believe members of society will become even more charitable and civil society will be strengthened as government reduces its activity in this realm.

We have already seen the social security system fall behind as far as support for seniors.  The govt has used those funds to fund other things and taken it away from those who paid into the system.  I would support the idea of phasing out the system and moving toward a more equitable private system.  I also agree if we became more charitable as a society the need for govt programs will be reduced over time.

    So there it is part 2 of the positions and where I fall with them.  Tomorrows post will be a lot shorter but cover very interesting things.  I appreciate those who are reading and participating, most of all I appreciate everyone being so respectful!



  1. I hateeee social security! We pay into it our whole working lives for not even enough to live off of when we're old?! Throw that whole system away! So many seniors are still having to work but can't work over 'x' amount of hours or they'll lose their "benefits". Its not a benefit. They paid for it already.

    I guess I'm part libertarian too because that's all the comments I have lol

    1. Uh oh do I see the spark of change in your post! I agree you might be a closet conservative! LOL

    2. Haha as I said, I dont believe wholly in any side! I agree with things on both sides! And strongly disagree too lol


Election season is upon us

 Wow its been six months since my last post and a lot of things have happened in politics and our country.  Lets start on the right side of ...