What is your identity?


    The dictionary describes Identity Politics as "a tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad-based party politics."  In our current political climate we find most voters could care less about the issues and more about which candidate their social group has backed.  People do not want to take the time to listen to the candidates position on issues, look at their voting records, listen to past speeches, and actual try to find which candidate would best help move them forward.  Instead people turn to the media for sound bites and video clips, which can obviously be manipulated to fit the stations narrative.  A lot of times if you find the speech transcripts or actual full speech you realize that what you saw and took as fact was one sentence of a much larger statement that said nothing even close to the sentence you had heard.

    I was listening to Quake on Sirius XM a little while ago and his panel was discussing Donald Trump.  For those who don't know who Quake is he is a black male comedian.  His panel that day was entirely black people as well.  In this discussion he said, I am paraphrasing, "Donald Trump's economic policies allowed me to pay off a debt my business has had for years and helped my bottom line." HIs panel then said it sounded like he was going to vote for Trump in 2020 to which he responded "Fuck that guy!"  This shit right here is something I cannot understand.  The policies and bills Trump has pushed for and signed helped him pay debt that he was never able to pay with Democratic/Obama policies but because he is a black man he feels like he has to vote Trump out of office.  Since when did your bottom line getting better and you having more money become secondary to what political letter was behind a Presidents name?  To me I am concerned with my financial success and the ability I have to get rid of debt and support my family.  I don't really care who is in office as long as the policies put in place benefit my goals and ambitions.

    The Democrats and left have made a business out of identity politics.  They have consistently kept the African American community at a disadvantage.  The Democrats began the KKK, made welfare a career option, destroyed once beautiful cities like San Francisco, and done little to reduce crime due to lax policies.  They also brought drugs and liquor stores into the inner cities to decline the health of the people in that community and get them addicted.  If you look at our current situation across the US where thugs and rioter are destroying cities and demanding no police a vast majority of them have been Democratically run for decades.  Cities like Detroit, Chicago, LA, New York, Seattle, Portland, and many others have been financially destroyed and left to rot.  Flint has been without clean water for years and Michigan is run by the Democrats!  The politicians in these cities demand federal funding to pull them out of financial ruin and that is not right for states being properly run.

    Every single election year we see a rise in the liberal media of encouraging racial divide and showing how Republicans do not support the black community.  This furthers the racial and identity politics.  The only time we hear about Americans as a whole and passing laws and bills to help all Americans is from the right and Republicans.  Democrats have convinced the poor and ethnic communities when they hear "Americans" it mean rich white people and corporations.  This is 100% incorrect.  The Dems make a point of promising increases in welfare, free phones, free health care, free money, and other free things that appeal to those struggling.  What they fail to point out is to pay for all the free they are going to raise taxes.  Of course they say only on the rich people but in reality it is on everyone who is employed.  Every worker has to pay more taxes and support those people receiving free.

    So why stay blind to the obvious?  Why would people stay in the dark and just trust what the Rich White politicians are saying?  The reality is lifelong and career politicians do everything they can to keep the poor people poor and create more through their policies.  They do everything they can to skew the system to increase their wealth.  They care about their bottom line ahead of yours.  There are a few who do not, Trump is one of them.  HE has yet to take a paycheck for doing the job.  He donates every single pay he receives to a charity.  No other President has ever done that.  So I think term limits are a great solution.  Get rid of politicians who spend their entire life in politics.  Force them to live as common people by not providing a lifetime retirement regardless of their years of service.  Only when we open our eyes, vote on the issues, read and learn about the records of the politicians, and force them to work for us will we begin to succeed.  Until then you have to decide What is your identity?

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