Movements of inequality


    In this era of people demanding they be heard and represented we have seen the destruction of science, the rise of re-segregation, and the destruction of masculinity as we know it.  We have seen the rise of movements which claim there are thousands of genders, African Americans are still enslaved and hunted by authorities due to racism, women have never been nor are they currently equal to men in the work force, and schools are where your child should be taught morals and values and you as parents are to uneducated to properly teach them.  I thought I would cover these movements today and why we need to get back to some form of normal.

    Lets start with what I feel is the most outrageous and scientifically inaccurate "movement", there are more than two genders.  When I was in school I learned that there were two genders, men and women. As of an article dated Dec 2019 there are 64 terms to describe gender identity and expression.  The term Gender Neutral pronoun is often used to describe what a person feels they are and that is not just male or female.  Some of these pronouns tell you what to call yourself if you feel like a robot, alien, car, dog, cat, etc.  The list is thousands of terms deep and it is absolutely ridiculous.  I recently heard that we are no longer aloud to use the term woman to describe someone who should get cervical exams and can give birth.  Instead we are supposed to use the phrase "person with a cervix".  Here is my biggest problem with this one, ONLY women have a cervix, can give birth, and need cervical exams for cancer.  This movement is a mental disorder and we need to put a stop making it normal.  I am asking anyone out there if you have any scientific evidence to refute the fact there is only 2 genders/sexes please let me know and I will gladly change my opinion.  That evidence cannot start with the phrase "They feel like....."

    In the most recent movement, which I wont call outrageous or unnecessary is the Black lives matter movement.  What I will say is outrageous is the organization itself.  The organization has pushed for a re-segregation of college dormitories and spaces to create "black only" bathrooms, dorms, and rec spaces.  They are also pushing for the defunding of police.  The problem there is defunding or disbanding the police will negatively impact the black community the most.  Rich people will not be hurt by this as they can afford walls, private security, and other forms of protection that poor and impoverished people cannot.  We saw this play out in the CHOP zone in Seattle.  Police left and the area was turned over to a rapper names RAZ who brought in his own security forces with zero oversight.  Crime increased and within mere days the zone was in chaos and people had been beaten, robbed and murdered.  The civil rights movement fought hard to rid the US of segregation and make us a more united people.  This organization is trying their best to divide us.  That is the biggest problem with it as I see it.

    We have also been taught recently that women make far less than their male counterparts in the work place.  In 2018 we were told women made .82 for every dollar a man in the same position made.  What the proponents fail to take into account is the education, work history, time in position, or seniority in the company.  When those things are taken into account we see that regardless of gender the pay for the person with fewer of these factors is less than someone meeting more of them.  There was a time where women were not provided the opportunity at certain positions based solely on their gender and we have taken steps to rid or workplaces of that.  The gender wage gap movement would have you believe more qualified women are being paid less simply by what is in their pants.  This itself is wholly inaccurate.

    Finally our education system has been affected by a movement as well.  It is a movement to teach our kids a false history of our country, of biology, and most of all of that the parents know nothing and they need to teach them.  I have personally witnessed our history being removed and replaced.  My oldest son came home when he was in third grade with a poster he made about Abraham Lincoln.  He was so proud and showed us what he made.  The only positive things were he was the 16th President and freed the slaves.  The latter point was immediately followed by the statement "But it is important to remember he and other founding fathers owned slaved too" while accurate is that really what he should be remembered for?  I remember the same fact but when I went to school we were taught he had slaves but treated them well and after emancipation many of them chose to stay and continue working for his family.  All our youth are taught today is how terrible our founding fathers are, how they were slave owners, how they were terrible people who did nothing to help anyone other than white men.  In biology class they are being taught gender is fluid, a man can be a woman and vice versa, and if you want to play with dolls or wear your moms high heels than you are gay.  They push gender reassignment surgery on kids as young as eight.  Math has been changed to common core making it impossible for parents to help their kids with homework.  English is being transformed and no longer holds to the tenants and rules we were taught about proper English.  All of this prevents parents from taking active roles in their kids education.  And last but definitely not least they have banned the reading of a bible in class but teach about Islam and other religions.  All of that should be learned at home by the parents.

    Most social movements in their inception are started for a purpose.  Along the way the movements get taken by radicals and transformed to create inequality the other way where equality was needed.  Then at some point the formerly majority class is marginalized and demonized until they themselves become the minority and the group that is unequal.  The movements of inequality will never stop because there will always be people who feel they deserver more and others deserve less.  The benefit of our society is we have the freedom to speak up and attempt to change what we see as unequal.  I am all for equality across the board for valid reasons.  Creating reasons to be offended, creating genders, and removing our history does not create equality, it destroys what allows for equality to thrive!

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