In the past few weeks the Supreme court has been on a roll making decisions on cases brought before them. Most notably were their ruling on affirmative action, student loans and "gay rights." So lets take them each individually!
The case involving "gay rights" was about a web designer refusing to create a website for a gay couples wedding. The case was simple, the designer's 1st amendment right to refuse service vs "discrimination" based on sexual orientation. So much like the baker from years ago who refused to make a cake for a gay wedding this lawsuit is utterly ridiculous. The couple asked for a website to be created and the designer refused, enough said. The designer has a constitutionally protected right under the 1st amendment to refuse service for any reason. This is in the Constitution and as this court has shown they fall on the black and white of the document. There are zero "rights" heterosexual couples have that gay couples do not. That same designer could refuse to make a website for a straight couple and I would be fine with that also. In the end the couple could have simply gone to another website creator and gotten their site made. They also could have put out a negative review, told family and friends to not patronize the business, etc. This lawsuit was frivolous, and the 6-3 ruling was the right ruling.
The next case was about cancelling student loan debt. In another 6-3 decision they ruled the Biden administration did not have the legal standing to cancel the student loans. This is another one they got 100% correct. The House of Representatives is the only government body with the "power of the purse", meaning they are the only ones who can authorize matters of money and finance in the government. My personal view is that the loans were taking out by an individual to benefit them. Much like car loans, mortgages, etc. these people voluntarily signed up for and took the loans while agreeing to pay them back. It is simple contract law. I did not take the loans and my taxes should not go to pay them back. Do I think the colleges charge way too much for degrees that people cannot find work in? Absolutely, but once again these students chose the degree and agreed to pay the loans back. If they chose not to get a degree in a field which had a good employment rate that is no one's fault but their own.
And finally in a 6-3 ruling the court rules that race-conscious admissions policies at Harvard and UNC were unlawful. I agree entirely. A college admission should be dependent on a lot of factors but one that should not be on the list is your race or skin color. People should meet the academic standard for admissions, period. Rather than put policies in place at the collegiate level that grant privilege to students of color we should look at improving their education at lower levels and improve them from the early years of education. But as we have seen even the lower level schools are more concerned with pushing far left ideas of inequity and not teaching what students need to know to pass the SAT or college entrance exams. They are teaching students in these "underprivileged" communities that without a handout they are too stupid to make it. I heard a pundit the other day say "Without race-based policies for admission black students would not qualify for entrance into these Universities." So to clarify what he was saying was "Without getting accepted because you are black, you are too dumb to get in on your merits." That to me sounds racist as hell! Much like when our President said "Poor kids are just as bright as white kids" the left and Democrats continue to talk down to black Americans. They continue to convince them they are stupid and start life with systemic blocks that white kids do not, that is 100% false. No matter what someone's race there are barriers they must overcome to succeed. Rep Tim Scott was on the view and was discussing this issue. His position is that black kids should look at successful black Americans as the standard not the exception to the rule, he is right. Telling any child they will never get ahead on hard work and effort does nothing but create entitled assholes who think they need to be "given" a good life, not earn it. Affirmative action has done more harm than good for African Americans.
So what have we learned from the court in recent years? For me it is the fact they are majority constitutionalist. Meaning they go by the letter of the document and do not interpret the "grey area" in its words. When Trump nominated the three justices, we were all told they would tow the Trump line and our country would be worse off. The truth is they rule via the words of the document, not their interpretation and in most cases did not fall in line with Trump or his views. They have clarified there is no Constitutional right to abortion, gay issues, student loan relief or more restrictive gun laws. All of these rely on the direct words of the Constitution and that is the way it should be! If anyone wants to see the other ruling feel free to go to 2023 Supreme Court Decisions: Affirmative Action, Student Loans and More - The New York Times (
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