Lets take this all the way back to 2020. In 2020 we saw the rise of Covid-19. The government made the decision to lock everyone down who they didn't deem "essential." So who did they choose to remain open, big corporations, chain restaurants, weed shops, and liquor stores. The local small to mid-size businesses were forced to shudder their doors and stop paying employees. I thought for many months why they did that. The conclusion I came to was the ones left open either donated to the political campaigns, were friends of the "elites" or it was a business which would aid in the destruction of people. Companies like Wal-Mart and Amazon made billions of dollars during the 2-year lock down period. More and more Americans developed mental health issues and addiction due to the access of the "essential" businesses. Suicide and domestic violence rates skyrocketed. This led to the idea there was a bigger plan in place. During this same time, we saw a massive movement known as BLM. This movement started as protests against police violence against black people. What happened very quickly was these "peaceful" protests devolved into violent arson and attacks against white people and police officers. We saw entire blocks of Seattle taken over by warlords and had zero ability to provide medical care or safety for citizens in that area. That failed quickly as expected and eventually it was restored to sanity. The racial division was radicalized by mainstream media and glorified by the same politician who pushed the lockdowns. That went on for months and what was the end result? Police officers being attacked and killed, minority businesses being burned to the ground, and minority communities left in ruins. Were the elites hurt by this? No. The people most affected were the ones those same elites encouraged to commit the violence. This was their way of dividing us further.
After the racial divide was present the next move was to pit the vaxxed and un-vaxxed against one another. We saw people on both sides being attacked verbally and physically for choosing to wear a mask or not. We heard calls from leaders and media that people needed to report their neighbors if they didn't follow mask mandates to local authorities for "reeducation." We have seen the same kinds of "reeducation" happening in China with the Uyghur population and also in Nazi Germany. The tools used by dictators and communists alike is reeducation of the masses or death. Is that really what we want to become? This divide crossed into Patriots vs the left. Patriotic Americans were labeled racist and white nationalist. It became a case of us vs them. In the end we saw even further division of Americans. The difference with this attempt was most Patriotic Americans are gun advocates and will not let the removal of liberties stand. So how could the "elites" get what they want in removal of guns from these Americans? The solution is something we see to this day, glorify mass shootings and use the weapons the a-holes use against the people to push for gun control. At first the method was to claim any AR-15 was an assault weapon or weapon of war. The pushback was educating people of the weapons and how it was a semi-automatic meaning one trigger pull, one shot. Not the fully automatic death machines the media throws on the news nightly.
And finally, this week we saw the House of Representatives hold a committee hearing to address Hunter Biden taking money from foreign governments. In this hearing the Republicans were asking FBI whistleblower pertinent questions about the investigation. When it was the Democrats turn each and every one of them called out Donald Trump, injustice against minorities and other far left talking points. None of what they talked about had anything to do with the matter being discussed. Then the next hearing was about censorship in social media. The first witness was Democratic Senator Robert Kennedy Jr. He was called to the hearing to discuss his own social media accounts being throttled and censored. As he began to speak the representative from the Virgin Islands immediately spoke over him and refused to let him talk. She continued to the point of the leader of the committee telling her to stop censoring his speech and let him talk! After the hearing all of the Democrats said the same lines to media question. They said things like "He was free to say whatever he wanted, wherever he wanted, except in this chamber" or "We were not going to let him spread misinformation" and "He was spreading lies in committee." So what do these two things have in common? They both involve high level government officials being involved in FBI matters and censorship of opposing views. We have also seen this with former President Trump. The left is still committed to putting him in jail, silencing his voice and preventing him from ever winning the Presidency again.
To conclude this blog I want to compare what I have discussed with things like Nazi Germany, Pol pot, and other communist/socialist leaders. In each and every case the format was the same. Divide the populace into an us vs them scenario, remove the citizens ability to defend themselves, have citizen turn in their family and friend for "disobedience" and finally remove the rights of free people to vote for their leaders. This is when a civil and free society fails to exist. We have seen the pattern repeat throughout history and it never ends well. I fully believe it is the left and liberals plan to make America another third world dictatorship and drive us into poverty. That way they will be the only ones with wealth and food. When this begins to happen, I also fully believe that the Patriotic Americans will once again rise up and say no to the tyrannical takeover of the greatest country ever in the history of the world!
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